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Aerobatics with Guns?


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I'm pretty sure that he means the same thing wolf...


I assume that if you can do the 'Matrix Walk' (wall walk) with the saber, you should be able to do it with a gun just as well, though the third person view with saber probably helps a bit when you first start trying to learn it. Flips and rolls and such should be the same way. But we won't know that until the demo or game comes out. Which ever is first providing the demo is like at least one week before the game for me.

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Originally posted by Emon1337

Has anyone heard anything about using aerobatic moves such as flips, rolls and wall jumps while holding a gun? I'd imagine you could, as long as you had the Force ability...


Well you could in Max Payne, and the animation actually looked good. Seeing as Kyles a Jedi, and Raven are amazing I thing there will be no problem ;)

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Originally posted by SlowbieOne

About halfway through the video they show Kyle (or whoever) shooting the Flachette gun at someone from above, and the guy he was shooting at was doing a bunch of backflips. Not sure if he had a gun though.


Not only that, but it was a Rodian...you know, the guys who were the biggest pushovers in JK1 :D


Man, just from that screen, the AI ingame will be to DIE for (unless it was a MP match, but I doubt that)

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