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Does anyone else think that the weapons in JO look alot like the ones in DF1?


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:ewok: Maybe this is too small a detial but...


I was just watching the trailer agian for the 4th time and I noticed how the the bryar pistol seemed, and IMO, it looked exactly like the old Dark Forces bryar pistol. Also, the firing rate and the shape of the laser projectile was almost identical.


Also, the storm trooper rifle had the same shape, with the scope on the top that the one in Dark Forces had, and the JK one did not.


Am I just imagining things agian, or did someone else notice this?


I sure hope the rest of the guns have the same old Dark Forces feel :).



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I think that the only reason the weapons were so different in JK is that they switched from sprites to....whatever the 3d equivalent is, I'm not a graphic artist. Did anyone else notice that the stormtrooper rifle in JK looked like a painted cardboard box? No offense to JK, that was all they could do, but I really like the DF/JO design of the ST rifle.

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Guest Krayt Tion

To answer the original question: yep.


Maybe they listened to Vagabond way back in the beginning: ;)


Specifically, the game guns didn't have that same lethal look to them. Whereas the movie weapons, modeled on actual military hardware, were typically black, occasionally with chrome or wood highlighting, and had that authentic look to them that made you believe they were real. Conversely, the game guns were typically gray, often highlighted with yellow, red, gold, or brown. They felt like non-Star Wars toy guns, to me.
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JO would be a truely great game if it uses all the best things from Dark Forces, from Jedi Knight, and from MotS.

Authentic looking guns and interactive music from Dark Forces, huge imaginative levels from JK/MotS and finally Saber throw AND Force push from MotS. Something else I forgot? :)

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I definately like the JO weapon models better than the JK ones. The StRifle model in JK was sub-par. The DF one the better.

The only complaint I have in the Dark Forces series is the weakness of the Thermal Detonators.

Here's what the Star Wars Essentail Guide to Weapons and Technology says about the TD,"Standard-issue Thermal Detonators have a small baradium core and yield a blast radius of about 5 meters. The Class-A thermal detonator carried by Princess Leia would have resulted in a blast radius of twenty meters. Some criminals have custom-built detonators with enough baradium to create hundred-meter blast sphere."

Obviously this isn't 20-meter blast radiuses are not good for gameplay, but at least put a 5-meter blast radius instead of the wimpy radius used in the DF series.

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Well, since the models in JK1 were low poly (compare to now), it just wasn't possible to get any kind of speed on those machines within the engine with models that were more "Rounded" like the ones in DF. Dark Forces used sprites, so they could do whatever they wanted, it just looked flat from the wrong angle (which wasn't too noticable at the low res).


So in that sense.. it's perfectly obvious that the Stormtrooper Rifle, and Thermal Detonator's would look like DF. Many of the characters would look "similar" in that they would be rounded instead of "boxy" like in JK (stormies, imps, droids, etc).


One thing I liked about Dark Forces was the way that the thermal detonator lights glowed in the dark in your hand (that was cool).

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