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What was your biggest complaint about the trailer


What was your major dislike about the trailer?  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. What was your major dislike about the trailer?

    • Poor quality video (ie, too grainy, too small)
    • Too short (also includes jumping around too much and not showing enough of one battle)
    • disapointing gameplay (ie, too slow wall running, complaints about weapons or ect..)
    • It was as perfect as humanly possible.

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I don't have anything personally to complain about in the trailer. For me, it was practically perfect---small enough to download fast on a 56K, yet with enough action to make me watch it like 50 times salivating :D;)


Unfortunately...when I made my friends see it...it was too poor quality and went too fast for them to actually watch it :(


In other words, it's not the best trailer for a non-obsessed fan. (which rules out most of us---including me :D )

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The trailer was below expectations, but hey its so soon to release it doesn't matter.

I do have questions about some of the saber battles like will you be able to use all the moves without the mouse just configuring your controler to your taste. Also im anxious to find out more about the gameplay of the saber, and swicthing styles in time, also I want to see who all these saber wielders are, not all of them are force users but they wield the saber, it will be interesting to see who they follow.


2ndly I want to see if the saber combat isnt only movie like, but if the damage is too. Cut off the arm of lightsaber wielder will he run away, be too injured to fight like the moviess, of course if you get a deep chest shot or head slash will it be over immediately with ghoul it sounds likely, but I cant wait to play.

The dark followers will be interesting to fight the most

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Well it was short.. and it did waste a lot of time with logos and titles instead of actual gameplay (as a friend of mine agreed).


It was grainy on my machine, and the sound was poor (on my machine).


But, I took it as more of a teaser.. it didn't seem as good as some of the proffessional looking trailers issued for other recent LEC games. It obvious was nice of LEC/Raven & Co to release it, and I enjoyed watching it, but it did leave much to be desired.


Yeah, it's nice it didn't give too much away, but still.... (and yes, I know, we're just talking about a video file here). They probably figured this is all they had time to whip up, and it was small, so it would save some bandwidth.


Incidentally, those low-level force/saber battles in the middle of missions sound a lot like the way MotS handled saber dueling... although there is something to be said for the dramatic quality a dedicated "saber arena" level has for single player. ; )


Also, I believe Obi-Wan was going to have this, with the "Sith Agents" I wonder what happened to that idea...

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Also, I believe Obi-Wan was going to have this, with the "Sith Agents" I wonder what happened to that idea...


It clearly got hacked like all the other ideas did.....and everyone complains that we have no respect for OBW :rolleyes:.....its hardly surprising since LEC let us down so much :mad:

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Guest X-Vector
Originally posted by X-Vector

Yeah, Bink is great and one of the best things about it is that you can convert every separate frame of such a video to a jpg file, using the (freeware) RAD Video Tools.

I just converted the DNF E3 vid to 4400 (!) 640x480 res jpgs, taking up about 400MB harddrive space, but it's worth it.

I'd love to have been able to do the same with the JO trailer.


Silly me, I just found out that it actually is possible to convert a Quicktime file using the RAD Video Tools.

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