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Star Wars Top 10

Guest SlashAndBurn

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Guest SlashAndBurn

Here is the first instalment in the Star Wars Top 10 Lists!



10. Generous Dark Lords of the Sith pension plan

9. Sick and tired of mentor Obi-Wan Kenobi reciting lines from "Bridge Over the River Kwai"

8. To escape cruel taunting over dorky name

7. To impress the babes

6. Kicked in head by bantha

5. Misunderstood name, thought the "Dirk Side" was fan club for pretty-boy actor Dirk Benedict

4. Charmed by Emporer Palpatine's seductive after-shave

3. Wanted to use the Force to prop up Chrysler stock

2. Owed money to Jabba the Hutt, could refinance debt through the Empire

1. Wanted cool voice like James Earl Jones

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Top ten things I would do in the Star Wars universe



10. Hitch a ride on a landspeeder.


9. Carry a blaster.


8. Have a drink in a wretched hive of scum and villainy.


7. Pet an Ewok.


6. Try Aunt Beru's recipe for blue-dyed milk.


5. Learn to speak Bocce.


4. Annoy an Imperial officer. REALLY annoy him.


3. Fly an X-wing.


2. Thank the maker.


1. Tell Han Solo he can hide me in his smuggling compartments any day.

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Top 10 reasons to be Imperial:


1: Better survival odds.

2: Imperial Speeder Bikes

3: You get to live on a weapon of mass destruction.

4: You get to live in Imperial City.

5: You get cool green clothes, and awesome helmets with that cool technology.

6: You get to listen to Darth Vader's theme in a techno remix while escorting Darth Vader.

7: You get to fire when ready. :D

8: You have a 1/100000000000 chance of winning a trip to the Emperor's Palace to have milk and oreos with him.

9: You get feared and respected by everyone!

10: You don't get hunted down by the empire!!! :D

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