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Raven: The id of the 21st century?


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Most of you people here(except perhaps Europeans like me) don't know Revolution, but I think they are one of the best, but not the biggest company out there, who tries to keep adventure gaming still alive. Monolith is also certainly another great, not so big company(I really have faith in these little companies, you know), which makes games with its own style and engine, and then finally there is The Collective, interesting little newcomer, which made DS9: The Fallen and is now developing Buffy the Vampire SlayerLEC; LEC chose them to make new Indiana Jones game. :cool: EDIT: I almost forgot Nihilistic software which is compiled of many great ex-LEC developers(actually most of them were in JK/MotS teams) and I really am waiting for what they come up after Vampire: The Masquerade. ;)

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i have to agree. Monolith have made some great single player games but there dont know how to make mulitplayer parts of a game. another great game developers are IO interactive (hitman, hitman 2), Innerloop Studios (Project IGI, IGI 2) and of course DMA (GTA series)

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Guest Krayt Tion

Yes, we do owe a lot to id, they were easily the biggest player in the wildfire rise and spread of the First Person Shooter.


Raven might be good, but... they could not be the "next" id unless they are largely responsible for the birth and popular mainstream acceptance of a new gaming genre.


'Fraid to agree though that id has been more of a 3d engine company than a game dev as of a whiles now. :|


Also, some of you are confusing Publishers and Developers as has been pointed out. Yes Sierra is a publisher, and a rather brutally corporate one at that, one I like to avoid supporting whenever possible.

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Actually, id did NOT create the first-person shooter. Yes, that's right!


It was actually Looking Glass Studios, who created a fully fuctional demo of a game like Wolfenstein 3-D for a gaming convention a year or two before Wolfenstein 3-D.


id DID, however, market the first first-person shooter.

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I can't say Raven is the best company around. Not yet anyway. They'er getting better, but some times when I've played they'er games (games that they have released in the past), it feels like they could have been really good games had they done this or that, or cleaned up the graphics a little more, or etc...



A few examples:


  • Heretic was awesome! After Doom, this was a welcome change. It was like ROT, but the mood was better. It had that gothic feel of wizards and warriors to it. I played this game all through my last years of high school.
  • Hexen graphicly was better than Heritic, the wind blowing the leaves was just awesome. And the mood was even darker and creepier than Heretic. But it was too confusing and half the time I would cheat just to get through most of the levels. Because I hate going through a level for hours and hours trying to figure out what I have to do to make this door open or to make this or that happen. I never actually finished that game.
  • Heretic II wasn't bad. Very good graphicly for the Q2 engine, but you could easily get bored with it soon after you played it. I never played the full ver. so I can't comment on it completly, but the demo wasn't too fun for a third person game (Tomb Raider, FAKK2, and Alice did 3rd person much better IMO).
  • SOF was a very good game, but the story wasn't done correctly and made you scratch your head as to whats going on. It went from stopping this one normal gangster like character to stoping a guy in a metal suit with "star trek" like weapons. Story wise, SOF was a mess. It was ok in the begining, but lost me a little ways into the game, and was a joke at the end. But graphicly it was very well done using the Q2 engine, and the animations rocked. Oh and did I mention the power of the Ghoul engine,... blowing off limbs is cool ;).
  • Elite Force was just a complete mess! Sorry but it's true. The story had the same problems as SOF. Good for the first few min./hour of playing but then got a little far fetched and rediculous the more you played. Then there was the models, whoo boy, I don't think I'll get into that lol! They seemed to have mastered the Q2 engine, but when it came to the Q3 engine, they didn't seem to know it very well. Or thats how I felt while playing this game. The only cool part of it was having the people from the show voice they'er characters, and Voyager was portrayed very well (except for the parts they added in to fit they'er "expanded universe"). The game felt graphicly the same as SOF, the textures looked the same (grainy and low res.), the models were the same, level design, story, etc... It was like a mod for the Q3 engine, unlike Sof which felt and was more like a stand alone game.
  • As for Jedi Outcast.....
    Lets hope they've learned from they'er mistakes and have improved upon them. From what little I have seen of this game, the models look a million times better than they'er last games. And the animation is even better than that of SOF. The levels seem a little like that of EF, weither thats a good thing or a bad thing, I dunno. I know the sound effects and voice acting should be top notch, since it was in SOF and EF, so I'm not worried about that. The only thing that worries me is the story and level layout. Since Raven has had those problems in they'er past games. So I'm crossing my fingers and hope and pray that this game doesn't suck. Please Raven don't screw this one up!





[Ed note] Sorry for any gramatical errors and other problems, I'm cooking dinner at the same time that I'm writing this :).

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raven is a great company, they always stay up there with top of the line game engines, and the 1 thing ide say they lack in a little is gameplay, most of htere games that i can think of are based on multiplayer deathmatch, with them doing sof2 and JO i cant wait to see how the gameplay is, jsut from videos it looks amazing!

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Guest Krayt Tion

I didn't say id created the concept for the first fps.


People always love to nitpick anything that gives id the majority of credit with anything related to first person shooters.


My post was worded carefully and deliberately as to indicate their important role in its mainstream acceptance and further advancement.


There was no fps genre when ever FirstFPS_NotWolf_X was made. It sprung up almost over night after the release of Wolf.


If id had released a trite, uninspired game that someone had already done before them this couldn't have possibily happened. The glory will always belong to id for that and they do deserve most of it. It truly was the birth of the FPS genre after Wolf was released.


Raven makes quality games but the chance of them having the same kind of impact is not as nearly as good.

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