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Jedi Outcast Locations


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There are supposed to be 8 different locations in Jedi Knight 2, and these are the one that we know officially:

Nar Shaddaa, Jedi Academy on Yavin, Cloud City


I assume the new Swamp Troopers will be in the jungles of Yavin, so I would probably scratch the idea of a stand-alone swamp-like. I could obviously be very wrong.:)


Awhile ago, they mentioned there was a level wiht a snow effect. I know the first thing everyone would think is Hoth, which wouldn't be a bad thing IMO.


Then of course there are mentions of an Imperial Base, so I assume that it counts as a location.


Next, in a lot of the screens we have like this one for instance: http://www.jediknightii.net/screenshots/screen024.jpg , it appears to be some sort of mine, possibly even a spice mine. Kessel anyone?


Finally there are several mentions of locations in the N.R.I. reports we've received. The Locations I'm aware of are Coruscant, Wayland, Tatooine, Corellia, Bakura, and Endor. The places I haven't heard of (if any of you have, please enlighten us:)) are Belsavis, Dathomir, Honoghr, Phaeda, and Cairn. Whew, that's a handful.:D


They said they'll have some new locations, but they didn't say how many. I would think at least 3-4 of them would be new. That would leave 1-2 known locations. So which ones would you want to visit?


Well I can happily say that IMO the coolest Star Wars location, Cloud City is a definate.:) If I had a choice of other places to visit, they would be Coruscant and Wayland. Somehow I doubt Coruscant, because they already have Nar Shaddaa, which is a similar (but not really) location. I honestly wouldn't mind having them both, but it'll probably just be featured in a cutscene or something. The way Timothy Zahn described Wayland gave me the chills, I would love to check it out.:D


This is all speculation, and I could be wrong about some of it.

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Well when you said


Originally posted by SlowbieOne

Well I can happily say that IMO the coolest Star Wars location, Cloud City is a definate.:)


it sounded like perhaps you meant that Cloud City was definitely the coolest SW location and you wanted it to be included, but I didn't see this:


Originally posted by SlowbieOne

There are supposed to be 8 different locations in Jedi Knight 2, and these are the one that we know officially:

Nar Shaddaa, Jedi Academy on Yavin, Cloud City


See the reason for my confusement? :)


Oh, and Gonk: If the masterminds behind The New Threat in Jedi Outcast stripped the Star Destroyers at Endor, then perhaps they might have found some Death Star pieces as well, and put them to new use....just a thought

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