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Some say Galaxies will get GOTY-Some say JK2....


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I've been checking sw galaxies for a long time now and this game is just awsome, Its hard to compare both games, Galaxies is like good for strategy and online while JK2 is for action and graphics and effects.


But i kinda think JK2 would get GOTY over galaxies is because for people like me who have 56k, im afraid that galaxies will be too laggy for me, if i had cable i would love galaxies.



And i hope i can affort the monthly fee for playing galaxies. But Go JK2

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Im not sure if any of those will get the goty award

Id like JO to get some goty awards though, but Its still soon to know

about the connection, I dont think 56k is enought to play JO online, because most people online have better connections, and they would have advantage over you

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Apples and oranges, really. JK2 is a FPS, and I would imagine that its online playability will help enforce its popularity. The game isn't even out yet, so it is tough to go beyond it.


SW:G allows people to do what they have always wanted to do: Be a character in the Star Wars universe. Some major hurdles for the game are support upon release and the ability of the servers to deal with the volume of players on their servers, while delivering a low-lag game. Other issues are security and maintaining an environment that is interesting enough so that players will continue to want to play.


There's no doubt that each game will do well. Hell, as Star Wars fans, we'll buy just about anything that says Star Wars. But as far as the GOTY is concerned, either game must deliver more than recognizable logo and much-loved characters. They need to be playable, set new standards, run well on the common-man's machine, and keep both the casual and hardcore gamer interested.

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For JO to get GOTY it would have to bring something really innovative to the FPS ballpark, as it stands it looks like all old (and proven :) ) gameplay elements, that is why I don't think it will be GOTY, but you never know, depending on if SWG is completely innovative in many areas it could be.

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There are so many game of the years awards each year, I don't even pay attention to them. Also in my experiences, game reviews are hardly ever the same way I feel about a game.


In other words, I could care less about whether or not they give JK2 game of the year. As someone else said, it will be MY game of the year, and that's all that counts.


That's not to say Galaxies won't be cool for those laid back days.:)

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I know this might be a biased forum (JK board and all) but if SWG comes out this year there is no doubt in my mind it will win GOTY honors.


SWG graphics are the best in the industry right now -- and can you imagine SWG with a GeForce 4? You can't dock any points for graphics here.


The reason MMORPGs don't make GOTY is because they aren't totally finished when they are released. There's always bugs and the like to work out.


However, recently, the gaming media has been getting high up on the MMORPG bandwagon. Just peruse through your PC Gamers... and SWG has been the most talked about game in a long time.


JK2 will be limited to force powers, lightsabers, and shoot-em-ups, whereas you will actually be able to LIVE and DO ANYTHING in SWG.


Don't get me wrong though -- I definitely am high-up on JO, will buy it first day its out, and believe it will be a canidate for GOTY. But if it has to be judged side-by-side with SWG, honestly, it doesn't have a shot.


It's very early (and I don't really believe SWG will be released THIS year -- too big of a game, too much to develop), so its too hard to pick something out. But from what I've seen and heard thus far I'd have to go with either JO or GTA3 for PC GOTY.

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I disagree Harbinger, I respect your opinion but imagine JO with GeForce 4. :) I think there are too many people who don't have a T3 connection or Cable Modem that won't be able to enjoy it as much because of bandwidth. Just my opinion, who knows when both games haven't even come out yet. And its not like JK2 and SWG are the only games competing for GOTY. :)

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Guest Krayt Tion

Honestly, it is hard for me to seriously compare feature sets of vaporware. JO we know lots of and are nearly sure about some things but still...


The development of Galaxies, like most other mmorpgs I've seen over the years, relies too much on promises. I don't know too many other places where talk is as cheap as it is in the crowded mmorpg market.


But I'll play ball :D


I'm so attached to Star Wars as well as the Dark Force series that the only way I'll be able to judge them is by what freshness they can bring to their respective genres.


I'd have to go with Galaxies being the more revolutionary game based on the promises they've made :rolleyes: But I'm not writing off the surprises JO might have up its sleave... DRAW it is! For now.


GOTY? Not gonna touch that... so many other games coming out this year.... the speculation of all time there but carry on :D

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