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oooooh LUKEY!


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just got a glimpse of the new screeny of SKYWALKER with KYLE in the backround... its pretty cool. but i really have to ask:


why is it that LUKE appears to have not aged at all since RETURN OF THE JEDI?


i really expected to see him in a beard though. i mean, after all, he HAS been a jedi for like a million years now and beards seem to be the in thing for jedis. just look, even "newbie jedi" kyle sports the fuzz, and he hasn't been a jedi for very long!!


anyways, those are just my thoughts. LUKE looks rad nonetheless!

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I think Luke would beat him pretty bad. Luke's pretty damn powerful, I mean look at him in the NJO he's got a fight with three aliens bred as pure warriors and Luke's wielding two lightsabers and pelting large rocks onto them. That's some pretty remarkable control of the force.

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Yeah, Kyle is fun to play in this game and all, but Luke is the man. That's all there is to it. Luke is a hero of a greater sort than Kyle. Kyle stopped Jerec from harnessing the power of the valley of the Jedi, but I would have to say that the emperor would still have been more powerful than Jerec and Luke took him down. By taking down the emperor Luke saved the whole galaxy from turmoil, oppression, and the dark side of the Force. Yeah...Luke wins.:cool:

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all yall are FINKS. turning your back on KYLE like that.


and for that, i hope that KYLE KATARN, in all his glory, makes an appearance in episode 2 to kill not only OBI-WAN and ANAKIN, but YODA and SAMUEL L. JACKSON (that baaaad mutha...) and all those other whimpy jedi that were in episode 1, thus negating the following episodes.




oh, and i may not be as into STAR WARS as most of you guys are, i mean my "STAR WARS education" pretty much consists of the main characters of the movies and dark forces (pretty extensive, i know)... i mean its really hard for me to follow along with a lot of the topics that are here in the forums (like that NJO thing) but this goes out to the guy who said "LUKE took down the emporer" (i think it was moses, im not sure) but wasn't it really VADER who took out the emporer? if my memory serv me right, didn't it go down like this: once LUKE said no when the emporer told him to finish off VADER, the emporer KICKED LUKES ASS until VADER stepped in and single-handedly (literally) tossed him in that hole? i believe all LUKE did was whine and moan and ask for VADER's help while the emporer grilled his ass. now if it were KATARN...

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Since when did killing someone else constitute power? Luke turned his father from the dark side, which, in my opinion, is a far greater challenge than killing him or 7 dark jedi. Luke did what a true Jedi would do, while Kyle runs around killing. Luke could have killed Vader, the most powerful sith, but he was a jedi, which stands for much more to me than the power to kill.



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Originally posted by Swoosh

Since when did killing someone else constitute power? Luke turned his father from the dark side... while Kyle runs around killing.


since when did killing constitute power you ask? well gee, just look back at every great war in the history of human existance. as much as we'd like to think that what you said is true... the sad truth is that killing DOES constitute power. the countries with the most "power", who more than often were the winners, usually were the countries who beat other countries into submission... BY KILLING.


besides that though, if KYLE DIDN'T run around killing, well, that would've made JEDI KNIGHT a pretty lame ass game now, wouldn't it?


your mission objectives: convert all enemies whilst they try to kill you.

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Your talking about a different kind of power. While yes wars and slaughter can win you political power, the way in which power is demonstrated through the force is very different. It's about control and connection, not subjects, nor the skill of ones opponent, and not the size of any given empire.

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