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If PC Gamer UK goes on sale on 2/15/02 (Fri)....


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Two different PC Gamers can be found here in Finland. We have our own Finnish version and the UK one can also be bought. The next issue of PC Gamer UK won't be avalible here before 3.3.2002 though, so anything new said in the review will be on the internet before it's even out here. Oh well, I don't buy gaming magazines anyway.

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I'll give you guys a heads up on Friday and let you know what its all about.. I don't have a scanner to scan the whole review but I can give the highlights and if anyone has a server I can upload the movie.


Basically with the Lightside and Darkside boxes is just another way of PCGAMER uk of saying DVDPCGAMER and CDPCGAMER which is how the magazine usually sells one copy for people who don't have DVD drives and the other for those who only have a CDROM drive. Usually the DVD contains 4.8 GIGS for Demos software and movies ect and the CD version only has a few of those apps and demos ect..


so I'll be getting the DARKSIDE box and I'll get all the goodies but as with the subscribers getting their copies early I have no idea about that, but I would figure that it would come maybe a day early at most since Britian is quite small so shipping early wouldn't be that nessacary.


so if you want a copy of the movie provide me some space and I'll upload it but bear in mind Im only on 56K but Im also 6-9 Hours ahead of the US so if I get word on where I can upload it you guys can grab it when you wake up before work/school/college ect..


let me know.. and who was it who asked is the DARKSIDE Stronger?.. well it is in this case.


peace .



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