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Silent Wolf

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I wonder if someone can answer me on this because i have been reading all the information i can get on this game, but i dont understand how the saber to saber blocking will work. I just played obi-wan the other day on x-box and randomly and very rarely would your saber intercept another saber as done in the movie battles. This was my mine gripe with jk was that there seemed to be rare instances of parrying. Parrying is what i live for in a light saber battle. Thanks for the info in advanced ;)



- Confused wolf :confused:

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saber blocking will be handled in the same way as JK(automatic), but I assume that the tech of today allows for some cooler sequences. :cool: i think that saber locking is like this:


saber clash

hold down fire button, ur char attempts to keep the sabers locked


but we know locking will be included. saw it in a trailer, we did.



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im familiar with the locking,

maybe im not making myself clear. Like when saber dude 1 trys to hit saber dude 2 and saber dude 2 blocks the hit, then they procede to do that for a couple more minutes. Thats the kind of parraying im talking about.


heh..english is my first langauge go fig.


stupid americans :rolleyes:


thanks for the feeback keep it up -_-

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1. There is autoblocking just like in JK.


2. You can lock your saber by having two strong moves collide in the game.


3. From the trailer you can tell that lighter moves will block when they collide.


4. Because of the poly-to-poly collision, you can be sure your lightsaber won't ever go through your enemies like it did in JK.

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Another important point, possibly covered in "Because of the poly-to-poly collision, you can be sure your lightsaber won't ever go through your enemies like it did in JK", is that because of the poly-to-poly whatsa, if both of you swing at the same time they will both be blocked (depending on swing). So you can manual block with different moves if you want to.

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Yeah, but I don't know how they're gonna solve the problem of blaster bolt deflection JO. In JK, only when a bolt hit you, did it your saber suddenly pop into place and the bolt suddenly appear to originate from your saber (basically the computer wouldn't intercept the bolt until it was sure you wouldn't move first). This made it seem unrealistic. I liked how that was answered in TPM game, but with that, you had only one dimension to swing in, and the bolts were much slower. With the fast-paced action of JO you'd always have to have force speed on in order to be able to react fast enough to physically block the bolts.

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Judging from the trailer, even though it wasn't as high resolution as I was hoping, and also from what I've read, I think the blocking animations will be smooth this time around. You have to figure that it's got to be really fast, though, other wise you wouldn't get the saber in position fast enough to intercept a flurry of bolts coming at you.

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Originally posted by StarScrap

Another important point, possibly covered in "Because of the poly-to-poly collision, you can be sure your lightsaber won't ever go through your enemies like it did in JK", is that because of the poly-to-poly whatsa, if both of you swing at the same time they will both be blocked (depending on swing). So you can manual block with different moves if you want to.


Yea, this time the lightsaber is actually active in the environment. Which means if someone fires, and Kyle doesnt block, as long as the lightsaber is there it will bounce off. In JK your lightsaber would be in the way and the blaster would still hit you :rolleyes:

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Well it depended on where they aimed, I found if you were blocking correctly, you'd NEVER get hit. Shots wouldn't just magically "get through."


That was funny though, in JK/MotS SP, how many enemies were so stupid as to stand there and CONTINUE to fire directly at your saber blade, even though it was clear every shot was getting deflected directly back at them (and they did nothing to compensate for their aim). ; )

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