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will you use this forum when the game comes out?

Guest dr_death

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Guest dr_death

i will use this forum when the game comes out but after a month or so i dont think i will:(


p.s when i first started my rank was bantha poo(which is like saying horse ****), and now i am a bantha (which is like saying a horse) these ranks are realy poor, a gungan or battle droid is better than a bantha

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Guest Luke Skywalker

I will still use this forum untill it dies.... all forums die.... I will also use the battlegroundsuk.com forum (go there now and sign up today!) because Im an Adim at the site.

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Guest Luke Skywalker

I think there will be a HUGE surge of people that come to post on these boards when the game comes out.... at battlegroundsuk.com we've had over 4000 people visit just from oct 23rd to now....

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Guest dr_death

you guys are chatting and that isnt allowed!!

but i dont care and i am not sure anyone realy does (other than about 3 people), but it is in the rules. politics will never change

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THis board will expand greatly after the release...

Just Imagine

1) Mods for the game (discussion on that)

2) Strats

3) Downloadable scenarios will be available...there will be plenty of conversation on that

4) And lots more goodies and topics to post about...just look at other forums built around games...like Rogue Spear, Hal-Life, AoK...they still get good attendance years after the game is released....

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Guest Tie Guy

Well, i'll be here to the bitter end, even if it is just me and the admins talking. ;)


Seriously though, i might not post quite as much, but i will definately still be here, and i think that many other people will be too.


Butt...when FFX comes out i don't know if i can handel school, tennis, posting here, AND playing 7 hours of FFX a day :D

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Lol but you were the super spammer Rommel. You spammed all day and night thats all you did. Anyways Ill keep visting this site as long as it keeps me interested.

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