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With all these people making mods and all.

Wouldnt it be possible to include it so we have co-op.

JK2 would be friggen awesome if we could have some co-op through single player missions.

Ive heard rumors of people thinking about it...but perhaps we could find out for real if they are going to do it.


Also...Perhaps include it like original Q3 where u could have skirmish and have tons of bots.I mean..that would be cool having tons of jedi and sith running around in massive skirmish war.


Anyways..id love to hear about co-op thing being developed.

as im a huge fan of co-op and JK2 would be a definate one id want co-op for.

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Co-op is mad fun.


I'm sure a mod will be made for Jk2 to allow you to play it co-op through the single player missions. I would have prefered Raven to have implemented it. But with all the scripted events in the game, it would have been a catastrophe.


We know the quake 3 engine can support this mode, so i hope some devoted fans create a fun co-op mode.

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Supposedly there are bots included in the game so such a skirmish mode as you mention SHOULD be possible...


I personally hope we can do all multiplayer game types with bots (cant wait for Jedi Master mode, me jedi master, 10 stormtrooper bots :)) but i am quite sure that you can definately do a deathmatch with bots

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yah..well some guys only just released a co-op mod for halflife..and its buggy as hell.

But ive heard Q3 engine is alot easier to include co-op with..so i dont think introducing it so theres anotehr player involved would be incredibly hard.It would be easier then making a complete new mod.

and it would be VERY popular.

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Those stuff things are very good at saber duels :)



lol i would also like some coop, but because of the scripted nature of the game (i think so anyway, look at MOHAA, comparable, very scripted) it could get messy.


However, Jedi Master mode with Stormtrooper bots will sastisfy me ALOT... I have the saber and the force, they have their rifles


heheheheheheh :)

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when they said something about co-op, I think they ment something like where you battle AI in a MP level to get to an objectifve (i.e. you start in one area of a level, and have to get to an area where there is a shuttle, and steal it, and fighting everything you can think of on the way.

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well that isnt really co op (well sort of, bot not really), because in that sense, it is only a multiplayer game with ai opponents built into it with different triggers in the game.....co op in what the thread is talking about is a full game co op, which would be hella awesome...


pardon me if i am wrong (im used to it by now)

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I doubt that they will code in CO-OP Single Player support. I remember it was ommited from Quake2 due to the hard ships of keeping the 'saved games' correct.


I definately think that if bots are supported, then Team Deathmatch with players vs bots will work, but I think thats a different conversation.




I'm still kinda new, so excuse the smilely abuse





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I only say that it would be hard to get the saved games together, like cyclone said. Unless you have the host save the games and the people join can't. Plus when someone dies, would they just reappear back where they died? Or would you have to restart from a saved? Or wait until the other guy dies?


Just a thought, I am sure someone has already figured this out. But I didn't know if it would be an actual problem or not.


I was very dissapointed when I heard that JO would not have co-op in it. But the bot in multiplayer is a good addition. I think it would cool to have 8 jedi's running through a single player level just chopping stormtroopers from limb to limb. ANd then the end boss to be cut up by 8 jedi's...awe that would be the day.

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Originally posted by CorranHornjr

I think it would cool to have 8 jedi's running through a single player level just chopping stormtroopers from limb to limb. ANd then the end boss to be cut up by 8 jedi's...awe that would be the day.



That would be great... with a mod, maybe it can happen...who knows

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