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I beg Lucasarts to release JKII for MAC!


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Hello all Jedi Knights out there,


Way back in 1997, I used my IBM, 200 MhZ PC to play the awesome Jedi Knight. It was an incredible experience. I can never forget the game. For 2 months, it was all that meant anything to me. And then cam MOTS which was even better (except for the FMV sequences). Now I have a new iMAC and I cannot afford to get a PC right now which an handle JKII. It would be sooooo good if lucasarts released JKII for the MAC. I'm sure it will sell because whoever doen't buy must be a complete fool and should get a good whoopin. This will be game of the year, again, and I (along with other MAC users) can't miss it. Please support me fellow Jedis so that Lucasarts hears my plea.



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I hate to be a party pooper, but these Mac links are a waste of time, most people, not all, with Macs could care less about gaming, unless it is RTS, the only Mac games that come out are the million+ sellers because the companies want to get every loose penny out there, but most realize that the mac just isn't a gaming friendly platform because most people don't have one, this is similar to Dreamcast fans begging Konami to release Metal Gear Solid 2 for that platform, it would be cool but it is impractical. Save up and get a gaming pc and you wont have to worry about a cool game not being available.



But if you are starting a petition I'll sign it for ya even though I don't have a mac.



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The petition was for the *original* JK to be ported. THAT, IMO, was a waste of time - porting a proprietary, 4+ year old, PC based engine to the Mac for ... a few sales (definitely a losing proposition).


However, I disagree with the last post. Aspyr and Westlake have been doing excellent work bringing games over - you just have to be patient. For example, Star Trek Elite Force is excellent on the Mac - I see little difference between my TiBook and my Dell Inspiron 8100. However, I am playing through RtCW for the 3rd time and it still isn't available on the Mac (though with only a 3-month PC->Mac lag it is one of the fastest ports I can think of). Quake III Gold ships dual platform, Red Faction is out, Unreal Tourn. and so on. Plenty of good games - all Q3A based engines. So ... I haven't heard of a contract yet, but if it is, and the PC game comes out end March, perhaps by summer there will be a Mac version.



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I seriously doubt that this will ever happen for a few reasons.


First of all the game is built on the Quake3 engine, they did not create a whole new engine. Porting the game to mac would mean porting the whole engine. I have very little knowledge of the contract that Raven and Lucasarts has with the creators of Quake3, but it seems to me that it would require their permission first. If you want to have them port the game to mac, you will first have to have them port Quake3 to mac.


Secondly, as it was mentioned before, the mac is not a very gaming oriented platform. You will never hear about games coming out for mac that are groundbreaking or anything new, usually just ported versions of the other games. If you intend to play games on your computer, a mac will not leave you satisfied. Take this into consideration before purchasing your next computer.


PS- The Quake3 engine is not very taxing on today's systems as it was when it first game out. I ran it just fine on my PentiumII 450mhz with 128mb of ram and a 16mb videocard. If you shop around you should easily be able to find a computer that will support the engine, lower than $500.00. Aproximatly 5 months ago I went shopping with my friend for a computer and he spent $600.00 on an HP with a PentiumIII 700Mhz processor and 128mb of ram. This system ran Quake3 with no difficulty and I guarantee that it has come down in price in 5 months. Unless you are dirt poor you should have no trouble finding an adiquate system costing in the low hundreds.

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Bah! No offence but don't listen to the PC users they don't know what Mac users use all the time ;-). Sorry guys. Anyway, I am a Mac user. I have made many post if you do a search on this topic. I will give you a quick rehash of what I ahve said but I'm not gonna type it all again.


Basically here's the facts


1. It uses the Quake 3 engine, there have been multiple ports to Mac using the Quake engine. Such as Alice, Elite Force, Quake 3, (a possible) MOH:AA, and and a few others.


2. LA doesn't mind thier games being ported. Aspyr right now is working on Star Wars Batte Grounds for Mac.


3. Raven dosen't mind. Aspyr has released Elite Force for Mac.


4. Aspyr has hinted at some BIG titles this year, So I will keep you informed.


Now, what people can't seem to get throught thier heads, is that LA would not bring it to Mac. LA just lets antoher company do it. A company name Westlake would port it, while a company named Aspyr would probably publish it. Therefore, it is not a big a risk for LA as you think. I for one, know about there are a ton of Mac gamers. Don't belive me? Try http://www.insidemacgames.com, or http://www.macgamers.com. While not nearly as many PC gamers, there are a decent amount. So keep you hopes up, you may be suprised. Trust me though, I don't have any personal connections, but I have a few more than the average user. Though I have not been told anything about this game, I wouldn't be suprised at all. The best thing you can do, if you want to see it come to mac is go to http://www.aspyr.com and e-mail them telling them you want to see this game. By the way that petition is for JK not JK 2.



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you will first have to have them port Quake3 to mac.


LOL it IS!


Secondly, as it was mentioned before, the mac is not a very gaming oriented platform. You will never hear about games coming out for mac that are groundbreaking or anything new, usually just ported versions of the other games. If you intend to play games on your computer, a mac will not leave you satisfied. Take this into consideration before purchasing your next computer.


First thing, my G4 733 with a Geforce 3 is a gaming machine. Unless you call 1024-768 everything turned on, on Elite Force while getting 65-85 FPS not a gaming machine.


Second JUST PORTED verisons? Umm if the Mac came out with ther own games then that would just suck. I think it's cool that Mac and PC gamers can play with each other. Ported is fine, it means we can SHARE, and hav emore audience. Second, my mac leave me VERY STAISFIED in gaming. Please unless you have experience don't tell him info that's not true. It makes it hardedr to set him straight.



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I understood your post - perhaps it was I who was not clear. What I am saying is that after years of (correctly, it could be argued) ignoring the Mac, many new games are being put out on the Mac, across many genres - including most of the big FPS's. The 'superior / inferior' stuff has its' place ... anywhere but here;) I wasn't looking to start that ... just saying that there may well be some optimism in recent trends: more games coming faster than ever.



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Strider, not trying to be insensitive but how many Mac users have this configuration? :


"First thing, my G4 733 with a Geforce 3 is a gaming machine. Unless you call 1024-768 everything turned on, on Elite Force while getting 65-85 FPS not a gaming machine. "



Most Mac users don't play games, not all, most. The mac is marketed as a business machine first. Alot of PCs are being marketed as gaming machines.

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One last thing, I wanted to list a few of the games that are out or about to be out for Mac. RTCW, Elite Force, Quake 3, Unreal, UT, Alice, Tony Hawk 2, Spiderman, Max Payne, Oni, Myth II, Myth, Myth III, Rogue Spear, Escape From Monkey Island, Star Trek The Fallen, Quake 2, Quake, Giants, Sacrifice, The Sims, all the Sims expansions, Madden 2000, Red Faction......I can keep going. There are plenty of games for the Mac. ;-)




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Strider, not trying to be insensitive but how many Mac users have this configuration?


That's a good question. While I can say quite a bit. There are about to be A LOT. The new iMacs have a G4 800 with a Geforce 2 MX. That's a pretty good COSUMER machine. That will allow quite a few people to be able to play at decent speeds.


Second, about LA finding it profitable. Well they are letting Aspyr do Battle Grounds. They already let us do Escape from Monkey Island. So I'm saying it looks good.




P.S. Please don't take me as rude. I am not trying to come across that way.

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no not all all Strider.... :)



Well, it is good to know that iMacs are starting to be gaming machines from the store, I know Macs are better in alot of ways, the reason I opted for the PC instead of the Mac? I looked at the PC game section, then I looked at the Mac section, it took me all of 1 second to decide. I know this isn't fair to Mac, but I am the consumer.



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No that' s cool, If I just wanted to do games, I might choose a PC also. Thing is, I so alot more than that (like video editing). So I do agree that overall if you JUST want to play games buy a PC. What I am trying to say is that, Mac's are not a bad choice. Seriously though, if you all would do me a favor and e-mail Aspyr, and tell them you want this game for Mac also. Then that could make the difference of you being able to frag a Mac user ;-). Although I wish you good luck on trying, since the other half of my clan will come rip you apart.

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When I posted this it was taken wrong....


"Secondly, as it was mentioned before, the mac is not a very gaming oriented platform. You will never hear about games coming out for mac that are groundbreaking or anything new, usually just ported versions of the other games. If you intend to play games on your computer, a mac will not leave you satisfied. Take this into consideration before purchasing your next computer. "


What I meant by this is that most games are designed for other platforms and not for the Mac. Macs certainly have the power, but they just arent as mainstream as the PC is.


So once again, I was not commenting on the processing power of the macs, but on the usage of them as compared to the PC.



On another note, I was not aware that games using the Quake3 engine have been ported already. I dont normally keep up with Mac gaming so I dont really know whats out there right now.

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Welcome to the forums, Chanke4252. Check my sig for your welcome gift. ;)


I think it would be great to see JKII ported to the Mac, because that will make the community even broader and stronger. If anyone starts an online petition to this effect, be sure to let us know so that we can sign it.


Regrettably it does often come down to profit margins dictating which games get ported, but as Strider suggested, the Mac gaming community is constantly growing, and I have a feeling that JKII is going to be very successful. From my POV it would only make sound business sense to maximise the market penetration. Many Q3 engine games have already been ported...therefore the expertise already exists - much as those at Raven have an excellent knowledge of the engine and how to maximise it's potential, which has enabled them to put this game on the fast track of development.


It seems to me the Mac is a perfectly adequate gaming platform, and has been for some time. I do wish that it was marketed more in this context - because with improved support for high-end graphics in tandem with it's other fine array of components, it is a worthy gaming beast. The only caveat has been the inflated price, but in recent years that has been tumbling to more consumer-friendly levels. I think it is time for the Mac Marketing Machine to take the bull by the horns and accept the fact that they have a totally viable and successful gaming platform ready for mass exploitation.


And I'm a PC user, BTW. ;)

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i cant believe the insensitivity and just plain ignorance to all these pc users who claim to know about the mac community...while i am not a mac user, i know many many people from irc (im a big ut'er as well as jk), and they do all of their gaming on macs! have you idiots ever heard of how good a dedicated server a mac can be? i wuoldnt be surprised if 50% of you people didnt know what a dedicated server was! if you arent speaking from experience and just estimating, forget it!


edit: and btw, whats the big deal with a mac having a geforce3? that would qualify as being a gaming pc imo....its better than all oem pcs that n00bs play games on...

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I can feel the anger...of user with other platforms.


It is a sad thing that, many good games arent aviable for the rest of all OS or platforms..


I just remember Drakan one of my favorite games...that the sequel will only aviable for the PS2 console!!!


BUT why...the first part of the game was only relased for Pc....

and now the part 2 only for an damn console....



A sad thing !!!!


I can hope for Mac user that it will be possible soon to play JKO...


MAC's are really good machines..!!

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Thanks guys for the support. I've thought about leaving this forum once are twice, but you guys always come back and make me never want to leave. I agree that JKO for tha Mac would increse the community. I am in a Elite Force clan that is half Mac half PC. It's so fun, not having to worry about platform.



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I was commenting on the software selection, not on the quality of the computers. If you think I dont know what im talking about go have a look at your local software retail store and compare their Mac and Pc selections. At any of the stores that ive been to the mac section was very small to non-exhistant and i prefer not to have to search around for titles that i want.

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