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Bridge Commander == Gold


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No, 'cause this is a Star Trek game. Pay attention. ;)


I probably won't be getting it, both because I'd have to delete something to play it (if it'd play on this block of scrap parts in the first place), and because ST games haven't been the best IMHO.


Don't get me wrong, I love Trek, but most of what makes Trek good just doesn't translate well into games (it doesn't work well in the ratings-hungry world of TV, either :rolleyess ). The character relationships, the sense of teamwork, the philosophical questions, all of these can only really be dealt with via cutscenes. Most Trek games degenerate into an us/them battle, whereas Trek at its best is about compromise and growth.


The only Trek games I've really enjoyed were Hidden Evil (because it expanded on Insurrection), and DS9: The Fallen (because it takes advantage of the Dominion War to do something new).


Look at Elite Force and Invasion, two awesome games (that I can't get: EF won't run on my machine, and Invasion is a PS2 game). The only reason they can function (as an FPS and a flight sim, respectively) is because they alter the Trek universe.

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I'll probobly be getting it. Elite Force doesn't really alter the Trek Universe. It expands upon it, in a way that the books do for SW. It was completely Treky, and the sotry matched perfectly with the themes of Trek.


Bridge Commander looks to be a great game.

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What I meant about Elite Force was that it added a new element; Hazard Team.


We don't see Starfleet commando units anywhere else in Trek. I know they exist, but they're usually not relevant to the story. EF worked because it was set on Voyager, a ship where the usual ways of doing things are often impossible, and the crew is forced to improvise.


What I'm saying is that the action sequences aren't really what Trek is about (IMHO), but they're vital for a good game.

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