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New dark force power (like Jerecs)


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Probably the same reason Yun used destruction in the cutscenes, but not in the actual gameplay (or Kyle in MotS for that matter).


There either wasn't good communication between the cutscene people and everyone else, or else they ran out of time to "fix" it.


Otherwise what would it mean? That that power was "too hard" and so the character could only use it that one time (and it was just a one shot deal)?


Lol.. personal ads now?

nerve2_120x240.jpg<----- "Find Love" Yeah right!

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But Jerec was "tapped" into the enery of the valley, wouldn't he be able to use that advantage again even if Kyle was stronger than Rahn... it seems like a corny power to me it takes all of the fun out of dueling someone to the death...all you have to do is use that power and chop off the head and game over:(

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<font color=cbcbff> I think they are counting the "yellow light" that Yun uses to knock Kyle over in the first cutscene in which Kyle meets Yun as Yun using destruction. I think if you had to back up the reason why Rahn gets his butt kicked and Kyle doesn't is:


a. Kyle is the main character and Rahn is a petty supporting role, therefore it's perfectly acceptible to kill off Rahn.


b. The theory in which Kyle's strength in the force is augmented by the Valley of the Jedi could be used to back up Rahn's defeat over Kyle's survival.


c. Rahn may have been tired after just fighting off a good chunk of the people that Kyle takes a whole entire game to "meet" and destroy. That being said, Rahn didn't seem to have any nifty powers like Blind(Not that it would have been effective against a character who appears to have no eyes anyway) to help him fend Jerec off, so he just sat there and whimpered until Jerec whacked off his head.

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Originally posted by Obi

I think they are counting the "yellow light" that Yun uses to knock Kyle over in the first cutscene in which Kyle meets Yun as Yun using destruction.



The "script" of the scene IMHO:

-Kyle enters the room threatening 8t88

-Yun enters, while 8t88 escapes

-Yun puts his yellow lightsabre onto the stone map which, exploding, pushes kyle back

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Rahn had to die, just like Obi Wan had to die in A New Hope. Rahn had to die to help Kyle. He was the one who told Kyle about Jerec's plans to capture the Valley of the Jedi. Who's voice do you think that is telling you about each Dark Jedi before you fight them? It's Rahn. Rahn couldn't have killed Jerec because the the prophecy said that Kyle had to do it. When that prophecy was fulfilled (Kyle killing Jerec), then the power of the Jedi trapped in the Valley was released. No one else could have done could have killed Jerec, it had to be Kyle.


My theory is that in between levels, Rahn teaches Kyle about the force, we just don't see it. That would make the "Hey, a lightsaber, I'm a jedi now!" part alittle easier to take.


Those adds on the right side are really cool, escpecially when someone posts a picture and the adds cover it up and you can't read what they wrote on the post. I wich they'd get rid of them or have it so they move with the right margin of the widest post so they don't cover things up.

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I always thought he blinded Kyle, and it knocked Kyle back because he wasn't expecting it. Yun does something with his hand, and a yellow 'force' type power comes out, afterwards he looks towards his hand and moves his fingers around and makes the comment "In all my years I've only known dark jedi never one from the light side, some how I expected more..." I have it fresh in my memory because I just got finished playing through the single player missions for the first time in years.


The reason I think it's force blinding is because it's the only power that Yun uses in that first duel, aside from force jump. He tries to blind regularly throughout that duel, quite irritating too.

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Another thing is that Rahn, WANTED to die.. that's right. The pilot was dead, so it was made clear that the Dark Jedi weren't messing around. His choices were limited.. either goad Jerec into killing him right there, or go down fighting. He didn't have much a chance anyway, his tiny ship (that was already heavily damaged at the time of his capture, via the cutscene) and the Star Destroyer.


Rahn was going to die anyway, but he wanted to die quickly so that they could not extract information from him (notice Jerec probes his mind for the information about Morgan Katarn and the Valley's location). He was likely roughed up a bit beforehand as well. I'm sure the books elaborate on this, but it's been awhile.


If Jerec had killed Rahn before he got the information that Morgan Katarn knew where the Valley was, he'd have had a harder time finding where to go.


I consider what Yun used to be destruction, because it looks like he shoots a fire-like energy FROM his hand TO Kyle's body, and it throws Kyle back (just like destruction). Whereas what Jerec uses on Rahn, glows on his chest, and makes him crumple to the ground. Perhaps it could be Deadly Sight? However, I always assumed Deadly Sight came out of the person's eyes (since you have to "look" at them, and you don't wave your hand). But the point is it drains and finally immobilizes (rather than throwing him across the room), neither of which Destruction does.


The only other power we've seen that would do what Yun's attack does is Push, although the "fire" effect seems to lean more towards destruction.

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The powers in JK are not from the movies, they are generic, unofficial, in order to make JKo more like the movies, they have all the official/reasonable powers, however unlike JK they dont have

have to use the force powers as a crutch to compensate and over exaggerating them because of poor lightsaber control.

Moreover, now you have all the official powers/reasonable force abilities because now you dont have over do it why? Saber fighting is much more dramatical and far superior now.


So until those powers in JK that you all seem to like actually come in the movies they are still generic

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Originally posted by Naphtali

The powers in JK are not from the movies, they are generic, unofficial, in order to make JKo more like the movies, they have all the official/reasonable powers, however unlike JK they dont have

have to use the force powers as a crutch to compensate and over exaggerating them because of poor lightsaber control.

Moreover, now you have all the official powers/reasonable force abilities because now you dont have over do it why? Saber fighting is much more dramatical and far superior now.


So until those powers in JK that you all seem to like actually come in the movies they are still generic


:confused: :confused: :confused:


I dont understand much of your post, but I think that if you are saying that the game should only have what is shown in the movies, you are wrong. Thats not the way games work. This is the expanded universe, these days a big part of the SW universe

If the game used only locales seen in the movies, weapons seen in the movies, enemies seen in the movies and force powers seen in the movies, It would plainly suck

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