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New NRI report


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Yo, new nri report at the site


something that may be key to the plot:


While returning from a routine patrol to Phaeda, Rogue Squadron encountered an old Sentinel-class Imperial shuttle near Cairn, but it was lost in the asteroid field.


rnt those the stones in Act I of Diablo2? maybe there's some spooky connection and a necromancer from the D2 game is the new baddy :eek:



lol just wastin time over here tho,

feel free to post actual useful comments on here or delete the thread, whatever u like :evil2::explode::greedo: << all 3 r me at the moment :p (they need an insane face on here)

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they probebly both got it off some place.


Did you know many of the terms Lucas used for the movies are taken from our history?


Stormtrooper = Nazi troopers

Hoth = German general



there are a lot more. I was reading a book on the Battle of Stallingrad and was amazed how many words from this book were used in Star Wars. I would have to look threw it again if I ever have nothing better to do.



EDIT: in the most recent report they mention Kyle killing a lot in a raid. So he IS evil :D Me likes a lot.:evil1:

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