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I HAVE to get this off my head.


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ok..*breathes deeply*...how in the blue hell did the ewoks beat the imperials in ROTJ? HOW!?!? IT'S IMPOSIBE! ok..first off...you know when the ewoks get those 2 logs, and crush the command cabin of the At St? I REALLY doubt that titanium allow can't withstand 2 logs for crying out loud. also, when the eworks try to "trip" the At st, why does it slow down!? ok..each ewok weighs..like...10 pounds..and there were like 4 of them..wow, 40 pounds slows down an At St? how STUPID! AAD! how can Aroows penetrate stormtrooper armor!? and how can tiny spears do it!? and those STUPIS LITTLE ROCKS THEY THREW AT THEM?! RAA!!! MAKES ME SO MAD!! it made the empire look like complete IDIOTS! and it made their armor look weaker that PAPER!.And how the HECK did they plan an all out assult on the imperials in less than a day!?.I'll go lie down now.....:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Guest Tie Guy

I'm with you, it is impossible. I think that the log thing could work though. the hull on ATSTs really isn't that thick, its not made to withstand large cuncussion blasts, only lasers abd the sort.


Still, i t hink that the real thing the Ewoks did was to cause mass confusion, which gave the real soldiers of the rebels time to attack and destroy many of the soldiers.

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Originally posted by jeffdark

ok..*breathes deeply*...how in the blue hell did the ewoks beat the imperials in ROTJ? HOW!?!? IT'S IMPOSIBE! ok..first off...you know when the ewoks get those 2 logs, and crush the command cabin of the At St? I REALLY doubt that titanium allow can't withstand 2 logs for crying out loud. also, when the eworks try to "trip" the At st, why does it slow down!? ok..each ewok weighs..like...10 pounds..and there were like 4 of them..wow, 40 pounds slows down an At St? how STUPID! AAD! how can Aroows penetrate stormtrooper armor!? and how can tiny spears do it!? and those STUPIS LITTLE ROCKS THEY THREW AT THEM?! RAA!!! MAKES ME SO MAD!! it made the empire look like complete IDIOTS! and it made their armor look weaker that PAPER!.And how the HECK did they plan an all out assult on the imperials in less than a day!?.I'll go lie down now.....:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


But the imps ARE complete idiots.

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ok..first off...you know when the ewoks get those 2 logs, and crush the command cabin of the At St? I REALLY doubt that titanium allow can't withstand 2 logs for crying out loud.


Haha, city boy, city boy :p. Logs are kinda heavy, if you didn't know it (and obviously you didn't). And by the way, you saw the thing. The armor of the thing was, what, ten cm thick? I mean, anything can punch trough that. I know the logs may not look heavy, but they are. Ever heard about those people in the woods who got logs over them and you need a crane to lift the log off of them?


also, when the eworks try to "trip" the At st, why does it slow down!? ok..each ewok weighs..like...10 pounds..and there were like 4 of them..wow, 40 pounds slows down an At St? how STUPID!


Who cares how much they weigh? They use their muscles, and ;).




Beg your pardon?


how can Aroows penetrate stormtrooper armor!? and how can tiny spears do it!?


OMG, have you ever seen an arrow being fired? They move so fast, you wouldn't believe it (saw an archery contest some other day). Run the fastest you can, and I'd say you're running at below half their speed. And have you seen those woodem target things? See how the arrow goes so like far into them? Oh, and remember how the arrows could penetrate the armor of medieval knights easily? And do you remember that trooper armor is about a centimeter thick? Now you know, city boy :).



and those STUPIS LITTLE ROCKS THEY THREW AT THEM?! RAA!!! MAKES ME SO MAD!! it made the empire look like complete IDIOTS!

and it made their armor look weaker that PAPER!.


"RAA!"? Huh? :confused:


Stupid little rocks... oh my god, you must live downtown in some big city if you haven't seen a rock before. Lift one. Lift one the size of about ten centimeters. Yeah, a stupid little rock. Try this for fun. Take on a bike helmet. Have a friend stand in the windown at the second floor of your house (first if you're british or spanish), and have him throw the rock at your head with all his might. Not just drop it, but let all his force into it. Don't you want to? I see why. It won't kill you, but you'll feel it allright and I think the weight is enough to make you fall over. And as you instinctively touches helmet with your hand, oh, hello, there comes another rock and hits you in the head. Oh, and you're supposed to shoot moving targets the size of a small school seat that uses the trees for cover while this happens, too. You'd look like a complete idiot (I imagine you standing there in your bicycle helmet trying to aim a gun at someone while a six year old drops rock in your head.. LOL! Not to flame, but that's hilarous.. :). (Sorry, country humor, you're too urban to understand it).


And how the HECK did they plan an all out assult on the imperials in less than a day!?.


They didn't. Come on, did that look like an organised battle plan? The guy hitting the AT-ST with a hatchet? Oh, come on. Its the Ewok natural enviroment with their natural forms of defense. That's like watching Independence day and as the Stealth bombers attack the UFO you go "how the heck could they organise that in one day?" :). Come on, they had the logs, traps, etc. all the time, just like the US had all those spooky ghost bombers. And the other stuff was really primitive (like stretching a rope between two trees and getting those troops of their bikes).


I'll go lie down now.....

Probably a good idea. I'll order you a trip to some farm (You need it :D). Thank you for letting me joke with you. I love doing that with city people (and I'm convinced you're one :D, might be wrong, though).


BTW, where are you from?

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Guest Lord Tirion

The Empire lost because George Lucas wrote it in the script =P Common sense doesnt hold in Star Wars. In Episode I, do you really think a 7-10 year old kid can build a protocol droid? Do you think they can fly a pod racer 600 mph? Force or no force, it doesnt make sense. Whould your mother let you go off with strangers like Schmi Skywalker did with her son? That does not make sense. How is Anakin such a great pilot if he is a slave and is restricted to go far with out his master setting off that bomb embedded inside? That does not make sense.


But its George Lucas' story so he can do what he wants. We all enjoyed the story when you get down to it.



And most importantly.. "What is an 8ft tall Wookie living on Endor with 3 foot tall Ewoks.. does that make sense? No!" -- Johnny Cochrane, SouthPark =P

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well i agree with you on a lot of parts.... only the logs and the rocks part.....


Stormtroopesr can be hurt bu rocks.... just go and llok at this CD:

Star Wars behind the magic... the edition just before EP 1 got out.. you get a complete weapons test on a stormtrooper.. You can throw rocks at him.. and then you will see how much a rock can hurt an Stormtrooper.

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Guest Sherack Nhar

Vancouver is a big city...

Tirion's got it right. There's no way we can explain what happened, it just did. The good guys HAD to win this one, or else the shield wouldn't have been down, and the rebels couldn't have destroyed the second Death Star, which would ensure the Empire's victory.


The Ewoks HAD to win, so Lucas made them win, it's as simple as that.


Originally posted by Wraith 9

Stormtroopesr can be hurt bu rocks.... just go and llok at this CD:

Star Wars behind the magic... the edition just before EP 1 got out.. you get a complete weapons test on a stormtrooper.. You can throw rocks at him.. and then you will see how much a rock can hurt an Stormtrooper.

The weapon test is just HI-LA-RIOUS. The lightsaber and the rock animations are simply genius.
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