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Force Jump


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Guest JaGReiKo

If you dont want to get hurt just hold the force jump botton and let it go, the force jump in JK is pretty easy if you can't even control that then don't bother asking.

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Originally posted by WD_ToRMeNt

OMG What's up Reiko!


I also noticed that the force jump was a little slower. To bad they are dumbing down the game and taking out the extremes.


Oh, right. Being able to pick up your enemies, choke the life out of them, and toss them away like rag dolls is sooooooo less extreme than in JK. :p;)

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Originally posted by Redwing


Oh, right. Being able to pick up your enemies, choke the life out of them, and toss them away like rag dolls is sooooooo less extreme than in JK. :p;)

yes it is IMO, in terms of gameplay, jump should be as exteme as it was before :p

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Originally posted by JaGReiKo

If you dont want to get hurt just hold the force jump botton and let it go, the force jump in JK is pretty easy if you can't even control that then don't bother asking.

I'm sorry, but in now way does that prevent you from getting hurt. If you have force jump on four stars, or even three, you get hurt even if you charge it to maximum and then let go (or should I say you get MORE hurt if you charge it and let it go).

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I think Force jump is overally much more better now, but I have to admit that also I first wondered the slow landing. Then StephenG pointed out in here that it was like Vader in ESB, which brought up memories of older discussion about whether Vader levitated down while dueling againts Luke in Carbonite Freezing Chamber or not, and this seems to indicate that at least Raven and LEC interpreted it so. I think it's only logical to protect yourself when jumping so high, so that you DON'T come down like a rock as someone said earlier. :cool:

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I prefer the slower, controlled jump.

It sorta took away from the realism in JK when this Jedi, learning the ways of the Force, taking on seven Dark Jedi and almost the entire Imperial army can't figure out how to jump without hurting himself.

Maybe if you turn on slow-mo it slows you down on the fall? I dunno, I've never tried it, but it might work.

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I think it'll be really interesting when the game comes out to see how they handled force jump, personally I think they should make it so u can control the size of ur jump, like in jk w/the button holding, but also keep it from hurting u on landing, with a little levitation at the end of the jump maybe??

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i expect Force Jump will be the same as it was in JK (holding down the button longer means a higher jump) but from watching the PCG uK trailer, they showed quite a high force jump and when he landed i couldn 't see any damage to health or sheilds :D.

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Guest JaGReiKo

What i meant was holding it the force jump button but not to its max or you will get hurt. If you hold it for a second then you wont get hurt and you go faster in a sense but not as high.

Hey torment, deathbolt.

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