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Major Gameplay Flaw


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"I dont think it is at all worrying. In Star Wars does Luke ever turn his back on Vader.......NO........it just doesnt happen. And if someone did do a force throw on you there are multiple options available.........force jump, side dodge or turn around and block.....simple"


Also, you can push the saber out of the air with Force Push, if I remember correctly...(maybe you can even steal it out of the air and have two sabers then!)...but then that would completely make saber throw impractical whenever you're fighting a force user.

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While I don't doubt that the reviewers did experience this, let's remember, pre-beta. What's the point of reviewing pre-beta anyways? I've heard of cases where theere's a big difference between pre-beta and the final product. I've downloaded beat versions of programs and the final is a lot different. So if there is a major problem like this, I'm sure the developers will fix it. Especially now that they know about it.

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i read in one preview (sorry, forget the preview site) that you automaticly lock on (meaning if get behind him a then the other guy with the saber turn to face you and vice-versa) your saber counterpart in SP, is this still true. i'm not making this up i did read it somewhere. ii'l try looking for that preview.

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<font color=cbcbff> If you remember the trailer, you know that it's also possible to block saber thow with your lightsaber. The only way you <i>could</i> hit another jedi is from behind.

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for me this isn't very worrying....mainly cos i know the basics, never loose sight of the enemy and always be watchful, but aslo listening can play a big part especially if you have suround sound, u can hear the direction people are comeing from. Anyway you could always avoid the saber through by force jumping over it :p


Btw, anyone know if it is possible to straffjump in JO or have they made it impossible like in wolf or moh?

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It DOES seem odd to let them review something that is not a sufficient representation of the finished game.


No matter what tactical points people make here, the issue boils down to only two things:


1. Was the reviewer correct?

2. Will it be the same in the finished game?


And, for all you may think of PCG, the reviewer (the editor, in fact) is no fool. If he says that is the best way to fight in single player then, even if he is not literally correct, it ws very worrying.

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You keep saying the same thing mate, when you are being presented with facts which should calm your fears (even from devs). Let me say again, JK will be and was worse in SP sabering AI. I could win a fight in 10 seconds on hard. It did not affect JK's success in the slightest, because noone cared. MP is where it's at, and I'll bet my right leg that this "tactic" will be void there.

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That's all nonsense.


I don't see how JK's crap sabre fighting should make any difference to how I feel about this.


And you are totally wrong so say that MP is where it is at; single player is still the most important focus for these games, as nearly all developers will tell you. YOU may prefer multi-player but the majority still think single player is more important.


I appreciate it is an early version. That is why I said it is ok if the flaw does not finally exist. If the developers DIRECTLY say that this was a flaw in the pre-beta that will not exist in the final version then I will be perfectly happy. As it is, all I can do is HOPE that is the case, and be annoyed at PCG for reviewing such an early version.

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Relax Ushgarak

Everyone has their own openion on this matter okay. We should all wait for the game and see what happens if it is only a flaw it can be fixed but no game is perfect as all games have flaws. Personaly i don't care as you will be too busy defending and planing your tactics in saber dueling and also you will have little time to think. I am sure everything will turn out fine in the game and all we have to do is wait patiently and see the end result on this ' Major Gameplay Flaw'

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Originally posted by Chanke4252

as long as saber throw isnt autotarget like force choke is, and there is a risk/reward point involved, then its ok with me, i dont feel strongly about it one way or another.



I don't see any reason why it would be, in multiplayer that is; in single player perhaps an auto aim option affects saber throw as well...if so, I'll just turn off auto aim. Although if it was auto target like you said, then I can see why it would become *too* effective...

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Originally posted by Chanke4252

I was really just trying to convey how much i hate force grip. But I think saber throw will be pretty good for a few reasons. 1- its not instant hit 2- its not auto aim 3- its blockable and avoidable.

Its auto aim in the strongest level, and follows all the targets that are close to you

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From the PC gamer UK review:

...Saber Throw; which in its fundamental state fires out in a straight line and returns to your hand. Times two, it becomes controllable while in mid-air, and at full strength it has a mind of its own. Seeking out multiple enemies when launched...
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