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My analysis of the trailer *new info*


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Just a few points........


I especially liked the officer commands like "Get behind him".......I also liked the saber throw which got 1 bad guy going away from Kyle and one on the way back, I loved the green lightsaber , and finally I liked Kyles dodges .


Did anyone hear at the end of the trailer a weapon that sounded like the photon launcher of Elite Force?? A sly move by Raven


Did you also notice the Rodian that either calls for security (or says "security") and the modified AT-ST that is firing missiles.


Another thing I noticed in the trailer that was the total force pwer was small, but recharges quickly, it also doesnt recharge while in use.


One shot that proves its from the beta was the saber throw that went through the crate :)


NOTE : A site mod should get the review so that they can update the specs page :D........Anyone else notice anything cool and new.....

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Yeah, and I also notice that you can deflect blaster bolts off your feet rather than deflecting them off the saber (look at the end when the protagonist shoot with the bowcaster at the foot of the saber-wielder and bounce off the footback to the sender while the saber wielder does an upper block move. is the saber wielder magsealed or it is just me?

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Minimum P2 300, 64Mb Ram, 3D card

Recommended P3 600+, 128Mb Ram, 32Mb Card........>Graphics accelerator D3D

Supported resolutions - 640x480 up to 1280x1024

Scalable options - Dynamic shadows, texture quality, lighting quality, low-res sky.


Loading times are short with 128Mb ram in 800x600 and only happen at the beginning of missions :D

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Why would they not support 1600x1200?

That must be simple mistake. In few interviews they asked if JK2 will feature new effects supported by GeForce 3 and Radeon 8500, which Raven representative denied, but said that it will support higher resolutions these cards can view instead. So, I'm sure, we can(at least some of us) play the game in 1600x1200. Only thing that seems to be rushed are these so-called "reviews" of pre-beta game... :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by nykel007

Someone please tell me those are the official sys specs.:D I still have to d/l the new trailer.


Not official, but the specs PC Gamer needed to play the game..........thats the good thing about the Quake 3 engine.......great graphics for low specs.......remember, specs arent everything.

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I think in thied person your crosshair is 3d, so if you are using guns you can see where your shot is going to land.


The other thing about the crosshair is that it goes red over enemies. No more accidental teamkills because you didn't know he was on your team.

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the trailer was great ...the only thing that looked a little odd to me was kyles walk...especially towards the end when hes walking with the green lightsaber in multi, also the game seemed a bit slow paced in the multiplayer parts?!?!? mayb i was seing stuff but kyle walked and landed quite slowly, granted he probably didnt have force speed on but that still seemed a bit slow for jk.......

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I've said it before and ill say it again: thats because its not JK. I would have thought one of the first things they would have done would have been to slow the movement since the original JK. Most hardcore JKers will defend to the death the intense high speed of JK's mp, but I think a slower pace is needed. This would make the game more tactical, as well as making projectile weapons more useful.

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I honestly hope MP has slowed down a bit. Or, hopefully force speed will come in spurts, and not for several minutes like in JK...


Because of the speed of JK, which so many people apparently loved, most "saber" battles ended with one person firing destruction and conc rifle shot at the same time at someone, killing them instantly. Or someone pressing the Force Grip key like a maniac untill the attackee dies. There was very, very little sabering in full force MP in JK... I think slowing the game down will defiantly bring out more sabering. Also, what alot of hard-core JKers seem to say is that if the game is slowed down then it takes away all the skill... It's nearly impossible to take away how hard a game is to play when you are fighting real people.


As someone stated above, it brings out more tactical fighting in a slower game, aswell.

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Originally posted by TrUeFoRcE

also the game seemed a bit slow paced in the multiplayer parts?!?!? mayb i was seing stuff but kyle walked and landed quite slowly, granted he probably didnt have force speed on but that still seemed a bit slow for jk.......


Oh, come on. The answer to that should be obvious. What option does almost every player worth their beans have selected in the options menu of JK?





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<font color=cbcbff> Are you kidding? I thought his run looked very good. A lot more realistic than JK. Humans can't run 40mph. In JK you could run pretty fast even unassisted.


The reason his landing appeared slow could be because he was force jumping and dropping like a rock from 50 feet in the air would also look wrong when he doesn't break his legs. He must automatcially slow himself down when you force jump too high.

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Originally posted by CaptainRAVE

Minimum P2 300, 64Mb Ram, 3D card

Recommended P3 600+, 128Mb Ram, 32Mb Card........>Graphics accelerator D3D

Supported resolutions - 640x480 up to 1280x1024

Scalable options - Dynamic shadows, texture quality, lighting quality, low-res sky.


Loading times are short with 128Mb ram in 800x600 and only happen at the beginning of missions :D


YES!!! I didn't think you would need a P4 1.5 ghz to run this game. The above specs are the same specs that Madden 2002 PC have. I will be fine with my PIII 550, GeForce3 TI 200, and 256mb of RAM. I will have to turn a graphical feature or two off like I did with Madden but it still looks awesome. It looks like I can save my money and keep getting my moneys worth out of my current computer. :D


Now all I need is March to get here. :)

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Originally posted by CaptainRAVE

Minimum P2 300, 64Mb Ram, 3D card

Recommended P3 600+, 128Mb Ram, 32Mb Card........>Graphics accelerator D3D

Supported resolutions - 640x480 up to 1280x1024

Scalable options - Dynamic shadows, texture quality, lighting quality, low-res sky.


Loading times are short with 128Mb ram in 800x600 and only happen at the beginning of missions :D


WOW!! That's friggin low...I might only need a new video card and RAM to run this :D :D :D


Here's hoping specs don't go too much up in the finished version :)

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Originally posted by Obi

<font color=cbcbff> Are you kidding? I thought his run looked very good. A lot more realistic than JK. Humans can't run 40mph. In JK you could run pretty fast even unassisted.


The reason his landing appeared slow could be because he was force jumping and dropping like a rock from 50 feet in the air would also look wrong when he doesn't break his legs. He must automatcially slow himself down when you force jump too high.


i agree 100% i think kyle runs a better in Jk2 than in Jk. the animations looks so smooth.


about the jumping part. kyle land slow like Vader did in ESB, (carbon freeze camber) which 1 think is cool.


edit- gimme demo lucasarts plz

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Originally posted by Redwing


WOW!! That's friggin low...I might only need a new video card and RAM to run this :D :D :D


Here's hoping specs don't go too much up in the finished version :)


There is no reason they should.......and there is also no reason why anyone should say low specs mean a rubbish game.........look at C&C Renegade>>>higher specs, but absolutly terrible graphics....the Quake 3 engine means that you can have great graphics with only low specs :D

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obviously kyles run looks alot better in jk2 than jk, they can do alot more, but i just think his run looked a little weird...not when hes running with both hands on the lightsaber, just the run wheres hes swinging his arms......and as for the slow pace....the jedi series is all about fast pace! if you want a slow pace for saber battles just turn off all force,it jsut seemed a little too slow for a jedi game, and kyles fall speed would be alot more realistic if he fell faster, but the slow fall doesnt bother me its actually a good thing, like i said the multiplayer speed is what seemed too slow, if you were any good at jk u know that u were all over every map in a matter of seconds with force speed and jump, even kyles normal walk was pretty quick, i want to see that sort of gameplay in jk2.

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