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Will the forces be unbalanced?


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In JK forces were unbalanced. Most Light jedi powers are stopped by seeing. Healing is useless in a saber duel. Absorb is about the only good power. I know. I just about always play light.

A darkie could have you imobilised and cut you down (And now slam you against a wall. Nock you off with a huge blast of force destruction, lightning you to death and instantly kill you with crates.

As yet not one light power has been unveiled to us. So once again I think the only way to win is to go dark.

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I know. Like I said I alway play light. (For reasons of moral, which I know any elite person hates) but just about everyone else uses dark, and it gets very annoying to be gripped and slashed for the 40535252525252351234123123123 th time running. Now someone will come along and say I'm rubbish. Bet you any money you like.

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Didn't it say in a preview somewhere that you will be able to choose Light or Dark in MP play? If that is the case...then surely Raven have taken a good, hard look at how Dark and Light side force powers are balanced? I seem to recall mention in an interview that for every force power there is a counter-measure. How effective these will be is uncertain until we actually start playing the game...but considering it's importance in terms of gameplay, I would imagine it is one of the major focuses during play-testing.


I'm more worried about whether some of the Force-users will be unbalanced. :D

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If anything, I thought that the dark was the weaker side. After I became good with the light side, not many could take me down with dark powers. It does take more skill. It's not just, pull the trigger and watch them die. Force Absorb basically shut down all the dark powers and it protects you from having your weapon stripped from you. So while I'm holding my saber, I've got guys with guns who can't hang on to them. Once they have nothing but their saber, I back up and blast them with a concussion rifle or something. If they already have the saber, I just run, dropping seq. Charges until I get a good distance and blast them with once again, the concussion or the rail. Plus, while their force powers are useless, I've still got Blind, presuasion, and healing. Skill is key to the light powers and once someone becomes good with them, they can be deadlier than the dark.

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lonepadawan, you are not the first saying the game will be unbalanced

IMHO, saying this now doesnt make much sense at all. We dont know the 16 force powers (7 passive, 7 only available in mp)

without knowing all of the powers, and more important, how they work, we cant assume how the game will be.

Besides balancing gameplay is one of the most important things, so thinking that Raven wont work on game balance is thinking they wouldnt care for gameplay, which is in the end the most important point of a game


As yet not one light power has been unveiled to us. So once again I think the only way to win is to go dark.

heal, absorb and drain


This is contradictory, you say dark is better because they havent announced light powers?:confused:

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Originally posted by lonepadawan

In JK forces were unbalanced. Most Light jedi powers are stopped by seeing. Healing is useless in a saber duel. Absorb is about the only good power. I know. I just about always play light.

A darkie could have you imobilised and cut you down (And now slam you against a wall. Nock you off with a huge blast of force destruction, lightning you to death and instantly kill you with crates.

As yet not one light power has been unveiled to us. So once again I think the only way to win is to go dark.


Well I'm pretty sure increased lethality of the lightsaber is going to aid in balancing the force.. between the bit about it being easier to hit someone with and saber throw(now only thing you need to do is close with them close enough to launch your saber) you're going to be alot more powerful when going agaisnt darkies, gunners, etc.


I worry about drain.. I suppose it depends how badly it leeches someone's powers and if how fast a ffer could have restored mana(it seems like it restores it pretty quickly but having no force just when you need it the most sucks hehe)

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how could drain be countered? or what will you need to drain someone? be very close to him? stay still?


and about mind trick...

will it be neutral in mp or light?

get invisible and grip somone would be a good combo

although we dont know how will sense (passive?) and seeing work

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Well it obviously can't be the same as in JK because there is no map to look at. I think that the walls will become semitransparent and you will be able to see through them. The more stars you allot, the farther away from you walls become transparent.


I agree with you though, I think there should be some sort of "Jedi is over to your left" signal or something. But on the other hand, just making the walls transparent and letting you look around would be sort of like "searching the area with the Force"

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Belgirion, there will be 'definate' sides

check the divisions of power column by Vagabond, search for it in the jediknightii.net news


remember there is the passive force sense

I have no clue of how this will work

there have been lots of ideas for it here, but no word from raven or lec about it yet

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