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JKII should be fine w/a keyboard and mouse


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Lol, this could go on forever.


I won't try to "force" my opinion on anyone (i.e. "these AREN'T the droids we're looking for," ;)


My point was, with as many programmable controls as I have available to me with the mouse + joystick setup, I simply don't need to use anything from the keyboard - except for chat. 8-way POV1 is inventory/view modes, POV2 is weapons, POV3 is force powers. Along with the rest of the joystick buttons, mouse buttons, and axes, it's a done deal: FullForce is SO NOT a problem!


A couple of my friends use the Strategic Comm., and really like it - sounds great, but I'd have a hard time giving up analog movement for those games that can utilize it.


The ONLY joystick that could maybe dethrone my trusty Wingman Interceptor is MAYBE the Saitech X45 H.O.T.A.S. Flight controller. http://www.avsim.com/pages/1001/saitek_x45/saitek_x-45.html http://www.maximum3d.com/reviews/x45.htm (Drool, Drool!) Yet I'm not sure if I could patch my rudder pedals through it, and I'll wait for one that includes force feedback also.

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i too used to use the keyboard in JKI, then i switched to a joystick with pedel emulation by twist, and i got even better after i got used to it, i still use the mouse for sniping though, a lot more precision i will admit, but not comfortable for regular gameplay


[edit] the x-45 is killer, and i think is beefier than microshaft joysticks, except the trottle's shaft, it could stand to be reinforced

i dunno about patching the rudder pedels, but i think you can, maybe you should ask around, especially the tech supports for both your rudder pedel manufacturer and Saitek

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Microsoft makes pretty good keyborads/mice, but they are no match for Logitech. I used to work at a computer store, so we got to mess with everything on the market (we had to set up demos for new stuff).


My Logitech cordless keyboard is great. I can take it into the other room, shut the door, and it will still read the keys. The other cordless keyboards I've messed with had a range of about 2 feet max before they started missing keystrokes. The cordless mouse that came with my keyboard (which has been replaced by Logitech's new Dual Optical mouse) was the same way. I could take it across the house and it would still read my mouse. All the other cordless mice I've used had a range of about 1 foot, then they'd stop reading the mouse.


All the interface devices I have are Logitech and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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I only knew of one great player that used mouse/joystick for JK. Just about every other player I knew of either played with mouse/KB or KB only. I can't see how you'd get any sort of accuracy with a gamepad. The always seemed to be pretty flaky for FPS on the consoles. I can see the mouse/joystick, provided you aren't playing FF of any kind. However, mouse/KB seems to be the best setup. You have enough accessible keys for all the controls needed.

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Originally posted by ZePhyR

I used to use a gamepad, until I became interested in the wonderful world of Guns. If all you play is sabers, gamepad is fine, but if you play guns, you have to be able to move and look around quickly.


what r u talking about? just keyboard is not fine

name one elite person who justs uses keyboard :rolleyes:

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<font color=cbcbff> Oops, I guess I made it sound like I'm some wierd freak the way I explained my combo. It's mostly joystick and mouse. But with my left hand, I hit the buttons on the keyboard when necessary. That's where I have most of my weapon selection and force controls(in JK). Then my joystick has all of my movement controls. The only weapon selection I have on the stick is a button for lightsaber on and fists.

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Actually, this thread was not pointless. :)


If nothing else, it has introduced some gamers to some other controllers and controller configurations that they may never have considered using for JKII (or any other game for that matter). I think it's great to read about other people's set-ups, and their strengths and weaknesses...because there may be something in there that could assist in your own gaming enjoyment. ;)


Personally I bit the bullet and invested in a Strategic Commander (at Christmas time...not because of this thread), and I too have tried it with some FPS games. I find it better for use in the SP part of a game. For MP (against bots at the moment), it is not quite as responsive as the keyboard for movement - because you physically have to move it to go backwards/forwards/side-to-side. This introduces a fractional delay over simply pressing w,a,s,d or whatever key configuration you use. I'm sure with a bit more practice I'll become a bit more proficient with it, but at the moment I'm not using it for Unreal Tournament.


Access to 3 sets of 24 functions at your fingertips is a major bonus...although I found you can't press 2 buttons at the same time (to run and jump, for example), which is a minus. However, it all depends how you configure it - if you have run as default, and press a button to walk, it's not such a problem. Nevertheless, not being able to press 2 buttons simultaneously does require you to think carefully how you program it... and which functions you then assign to your mouse buttons. On the plus side, again...you can assign multiple key presses to a single button (run + jump didn't work, though ;) ), so theoretically I should be able to go into Force Speed, change to a weapon of choice, and eat my packed lunch all at the same time. :D


Of course, you still have the keyboard available to fall back on if things get a bit too intense...


I'm now wondering if I should be looking at a set of pedals... ;)

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