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Some Sam and Max quotes


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Here are some quotes I wrote when I listened to lots of SnM wav's.


-Sam: Are you ready Max? Are you ready boy? Are'ya? Are'ya? -Max: [€6%¤&/!½%"¤½/&!½¤$5£2]


-Max: OOo does this mean we get to kick some puffy white mad scientist butt?


-Max: Bring me as many women as my poor eyes can stand! -Sam: Jesus Max, you dont even like girls.


-Sam: I'm think of a number between 1 and 10 and I dont know why. -Sam: Me too.


-Narrator: Gary has the power to physically alter his sourroundings with his mind. -Max: Really? Hey Gary turn me into a baby turtle. I WANNA BE A BABY TURTLE!!


-Sam: I got something in my eye. -Max: Try digging it out with a fork that always works for me!




Would be fun if anyone else would post their favorite SnM quotes here. Would be a fun reading.

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Max: Suck on this you slippery little Bastards!


Officer: Police. Yeah. Where are your badges, lumpy?

Max: Badges?! We don't need no-- Umpgh!

Sam: I've Gotta' get this little one back to his padded playpen! Bye, now!


Sam: Maybe it will leave if we all laugh at it.


Max: Ooh, neat! Santa got caught in thi beartrap I set! Wow! he gnawed his own foot off to escape!


Funny stuff

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