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MP Skins and Models


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ah... Yes..... The Spoon

It is what takes over your mind... It is a legendary Object which is used t gouge out the internal organs of the victim causing immense pain. It seduces it's owner and has a mind of it's own. It Chooses who will stay and what will go. It has it's own army of spoons and slowly but surely takes over the mind of the innocent until He becomes on of the spoon's colleagues. Once this is completed They do whatever The One Spoon Tells them.

G2g this now but i will tell more when i come back.

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Spot the difference



Took the spoon:

I'm really intigued...keep talking my friend




Didn't get a spoon:

c'mon, stop it with that damn spoon....


But the Spoon Demands that you may not talk about it in that way!!!!!! Here have a spoon


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Official Warning<sup>TM</sup>, start talking about MP skins, or this thread is getting moved to the backwaters of Yoda's Swamp :cool:


Speaking for myself, I'd like to see obscene numbers of MP skins. All kinds of aliens, characters, droids, etc, from the movies and Expanded Universe. The more the better. And different variations of the same aliens and characters.


It's not sounding like there's a class-based MP mode, but if there were, then multiple skins for each alien/character for each class. Hundreds of skins - that's what I'd like...all appropriate to Star Wars, of course :)

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Hey, No offence intended Vaga. I was Just finihsing it off. Sorry again.

hehe, I would like to see a clear skin, so then all you see is a saber floating in air

Hehe all you can see is the blood dribbling out of the air... even thoguh there's no blood.

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Jedi Council(that long necked dude, Yoda and yaddle included)

The new Jedi from AOTC

Jango Fett

Corran Horn

The decapitated head of Kyle's dad

The Spoon!!!!;)

Boba Fett(young and old)

Han Solo

Jedi Leia and her kids

Mon Motha(She'll probably be in it cause she's in the game)

Mara Jade(Oh yeah!!!)


This reminds me. Wouldn't it be great to see Mara Jade vs. Jan Ors.

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