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Confedrate or Union, i mean Republic

Guest PhantomMenace

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Guest PhantomMenace

So which new civ do you think will be the coolest? Those city slickin Republics or those pig greasin, whiskey drinkin, hog tying Confederates? Hmm..maybe i'm thinking of another war. Well which do you think is gonna be the better? I stick with the civs that got good mechs and heavy weapons cuz aircraft only equivalent to a flying repeater troop (hmm..there's a good idea for a new unit; jetpack trooper). I'm almost certain there will be a north vs south campaign out shorlty after the x-pack..at leat i'll make one! So which one will be the best? Confederates or Republic?


-oh btw did i mention my idea for a mine layer heavy weapon?

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Guest PhantomMenace

Dood! Those who are apart of a Confederacy are called Confederates! duh!? I just couldnt help but notice the striking resemblence to the confedrates and union armies of the american civil war. I think its cool. Like i said Republic will be the progression of the Trade Fed into the Galactic empire so you know they gonna carry on the tradition of good mechs so i go with good mechs cuz aircraft in this game suck (not that i want to change that). And im betting that the Confederacy will be the progression of the Naboo-like armies into the rebel alliance which means they will be strong in air. I think it will be interesting. I really which they coulda tossed in at leat 1 alien civ though.:(




how bout a heavy weapon that lays mines. You know it could be a zamboni looking vehicle that was slow, heavily armored and could not attack, but would drop line mines that would be hidden from the enemy just like the spider mines in Starcraft. You could que up the mines inside the vehcile the same way you qued'ed up scarabs inside the protoss reaver in Starcraft! What do ya think? Also, i would really like to know if the new cruiser aircraft was a result of my idea about an anti-air aircraft/ interceptor aircraft.

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PM, You've got the two backwards :D














Confederacy is led by Count Dooku, and is made up by various trade franchises like the trade federation, for one.


The Republic is the galactic senate, but with an army. Sort of like the EU's New Republic, but older. :D




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Guest PhantomMenace

OOOh..so you're saying htat both the new civs are evil? Great! I find that good news. So what you're saying is that the Confederacy is an advanced Trade Fed and the Republic is an older form of the Galactic Empire. Sweet! So are they gonna have a good civ to go with these two evil civs or will the naboo carry the torch as the torch as the good army pre-rebel alliance?



how bout a heavy weapon that lays mines. You know it could be a zamboni looking vehicle that was slow, heavily armored and could not attack, but would drop line mines that would be hidden from the enemy just like the spider mines in Starcraft. You could que up the mines inside the vehcile the same way you qued'ed up scarabs inside the protoss reaver in Starcraft! What do ya think? Also, i would really like to know if the new cruiser aircraft was a result of my idea about an anti-air aircraft/ interceptor aircraft.

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Originally posted by Com Raven

I suppose I agree with Kvan...


And didn't someone do the maths that so many units had to be 3-4 civs ??

You make it sound like such a bad thing agreeing with me :/

I think all the new units are going to be add-ons to the existing Civis, although I have been known to be wrong...once ;)

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Guest PhantomMenace

Wow i guess the galaxy really is in dark times when both the new factions are evil! That should even things out then, as it stand we got 4 good civs and 2 evil, with these 2 evils it will be even now. The only thing i was thinking is that this xpac is supposed to represent the new movie. Well my question is if both new civs are evil who the heck are they gonna fight against? They gotta have some army to crush in the new movie; so why isnt that army gonna be represented in this xpac? Even if its just a band of refugee's; they need to make a refugee civ then cuz they're gonna have fighters, tanks and troops to combat these the republic (imps) and confederacy (trade fed). Hmm..maybe announcing a 3rd civ this early migiht spoil the movie? who knows? not me. guess i'll just have to wait and see like last time.

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Well, the republic is going to be the GOOD civ, and the confederate are going to be the bad. I think you must have read the announcement rong because the republic will stand for the OLD republic, ie, the jedi council in TPM, and coruscant in TPM and all the good guys etc. Yes, I believe that their jedi will be a lot different than you guys would expect, you should look out for new types of jedi, and different styles of jedi too, not just bla padawan, bla knight, and bla master. You should see different types of each, so that you dont get that old feeling of everybody is the same, because they want to try to get the feeling like the movies, where each and every jedi is a different person.....


I shouldnt really be saying this........

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The Republic is using early stormies because Palpatine is Head of State, so to speak. So technically they too are bad, only the good guys only realise it near the middle of AOTC.

Palpatine has created the Confideration to fight the Republic, so he can get all the war credit for winning the war which he himself had engineered, as well as weaken the Republic before he takes over completely with the Empire.



END SPOILER---------------------------------------------------



So it's bad guys vs.bad guys, with the Trade Fed, Ganguns, Naboo and Wookies thrown in (maybe)

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Guest PhantomMenace

Thank you Crazy Dog and besides...even without Crazy Dog's spoiler justs look at the concept art. The republic have a mech that looks just like a AT-ST, and a clone beside it that looks just like a stormtrooper that shoulda been your clue there that the republic is evil; besides in the movies palpatine is striving to take control of the republic duh??!!:eek:

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