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AHHHHHHHH! This game is going to be AMAZING! WOOHOO!!! I got a question for ya'll. Anyone here use Windows XP? I'm building an Athlon next week and am deliberating whether to stick with Windows ME or install XP (I have both, so I don't need to buy it). Here are my specs:

Athlon XP1700 1.47ghz

512 megs 2100 ddr ram

Geforce 3

60gb 7200rpm ATA133 HD

SB Audigy OEM

VIA KT266A motherboard


What would you recommend?

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check to see if the manufacturer of your 3d card (mine was an asus GeForce) has issued an XP certified driver. I know most of them have, but it is a real headache to install a new OS and then finding out that your card manufacturer doesn't have the driver ready, and you won't be able to play any of the latest game since they need the customized OpenGL driver that came with the card; and the one microsoft supplies, depending on the card, may or may not work. Otherwise XP is more stable than all the other 9x OS.


BTW, about that scar. It also appears in another screenshot (namely #3) as I mentioned in another thread. Maybe it's part of the storyline???

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Originally posted by SaberPro

Nice picture...wait...


If you look closely towards the reddy aura behind him, you'll notice that there's a scar left by 2 different textures...a line


I just looked at it closer(actually from further away) that line is left by the aura around the lightsaber.


Check it out.

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Actually, I'm not all that new, I've been reading tons of posts recently, I only joined so I could post probably just a few times...


But anyway, I think the "scar" is caused by the saber's glow and it's only apparent on the one side because of the blue contrasting with the red of moon or planet or whatever it might be. If you look really closely, you can see the cloud just behind the glow of the saber in that spot .... so I don't believe it to be a texture alignment problem or anything like that..

That's just my opinion...




P.s. Thanks for the welcome.

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Originally posted by GAT

Actually, I'm not all that new, I've been reading tons of posts recently, I only joined so I could post probably just a few times...


But anyway, I think the "scar" is caused by the saber's glow and it's only apparent on the one side because of the blue contrasting with the red of moon or planet or whatever it might be. If you look really closely, you can see the cloud just behind the glow of the saber in that spot .... so I don't believe it to be a texture alignment problem or anything like that..

That's just my opinion...




P.s. Thanks for the welcome.


I agree with the newbie(j/k GAT).

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