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But of a question here.


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Hi all! I'm new here, just signed up. I've been visiting these forums for a while though. Anyway, to the question. I know the system reqs aren't out yet....BUT....does anyone think they could take a guess as to wether or not JK2 will run on my system? I had a bit of a panic attack when I read somewhere that a high-end system to run JK2 was a p4 2000 with a geforce 3.


Thanks for your help guys! Cya.


My system specs are:

-Pentium 3 933mhz

-512 PC133 SDRAM

-GeForce 2 MX 32mb

-20gb 7200rpm HDD

-Soundblaster AWE64


...and thats about it. Thanks!

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Yeah, your system will run it fine. The minimum requirements will be even less than what you've got. It's all a matter of how well it'll run. I think you'll do just fine though.

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Welcome to the forums, Shifty_Parrot. Hope you enjoy your stay. Here...


*hands over a chocolate Jedi Medallion* :)


I think you'll be safe with your system specs. I just played Elite Force and Return To Castle Wolfenstein on my humble Athlon T-Bird 850Mhz with 256Mb SDRAM and a GeForce 2 GTS (with 32Mb)...and they both ran fine on medium settings. I even managed to crank RTCW up to high settings in the indoor levels. I would imagine JKII would be comparable...and I expect to be able to run it on medium settings... :)

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