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Delphi's Clone

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Guest xwing guy
he doesnt have a g/f (due to his hair and the fact that he cant "mac")

Not true! Quite lying about me ICP!


The truth about ICP.

He has several g/fs but there all ugly

He is stupid, usually

Ummmm, I'll think of something else later.

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Guest ICP Ringmaster

nope sory duck..at leaste i have females..you only people you like are those ugly girls that drew dates..(no offence to drew)

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stop flameing guys this is supposed to be a nice thread







fergiE i order you to edit there posts!!!!!!!!


and fergie please do tell something about yourself i mean we are all freinds arnt we............ stop lyeing argggggggggg Star Wars is fake face it lol


BTW, look in my earlier post -darthfergie

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Originally posted by darthfergie

okay I'll tell you more about myself...


I had a cat...but it scrached me one day so I force choked it

I have my own personal space craft...a slight variation of the TIE Defender

My lightsaber is purple

I'm a 6'2ft Jawa

my best friend is an Jawa and the other a wookie

I have been involved in numerous major engagements such as:

the famous Battle for Degobah and the Battle of the Dual Moons...


Aren't you friends with a snowtrooper too? ;)


EDIT: I'll tell you something about me: I'm a perfect human being. ;)

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I live in Houston, Texas, where no one can pronounce my real name :o.

I'm a sophomore (=10th grader). My school is the home of the wolves, who keep eating my homework and thus giving me zeros.


Im 16 years old.

Both my dogs are diceased, rest in piece :(.

I love my new house.

I've found a girl I like, and I hope she likes me, but we just walk home together so far :angel:. However, I looked over a girl's shoulder that other day and she was reading a note from a friend reffering guys she liked I noticed the word "Norwegian". I think. Chances are the note reffers to me, which would be good. Or there are others from Norway at my school, which would be good :p. Hope it's a girl, as they tend to automatically like people who speak their language when they're 10 000 kilometers from home (not exaggerating, it is that far. Considering the whole planet is 44 000 km, go figure how far that is :().

I can't take a job, I'm home at 5 pm every day with homework to do. Would like to work at an animal hospital again like in 7th, though. I love dogs.

I hate my computer for talking to me :mad:.

I write too long personal descriptions :rolleyes:, which you hate me for.

Just call me Eivind.


I would give my life a 90 on the grade sheet. Extra credit for speaking two languages and ambitiously struggling to learn two more (not at the same time, though).

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