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Force Power list


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"Kenn Hoekstra - There are seven active Force powers, including things like Force Lightning, Force Jump, Jedi Mind Trick, Force Push and Force Pull along with some passive Force powers like your improving skill with the lightsaber and a form of Force sense. There will also be several powers unique to multiplayer. Most of these powers are "active" in the sense that you have to use them with a key command or other maneuver. Others are more subtle and don't require active participation by the player to make them work. The powers advance and become more effective as the game goes on but we didn't use the point/star system from the original Jedi Knight for design reasons. In all there are 9 single player Force powers and 7 multiplayer-only Force powers."


Single Player: 7 Active + 2 Passive = 9

Multiplayer only: 7

Total: 9 + 7 = 16


Known Active: Push + Pull + Jump + Speed + Sabre Throw + Mind Trick + Heal + Absorb + Drain + Grip + Lightning + Rage = 12

Known Passive: Lightsabre + Sense = 2

Total Known: 12 + 2 = 14

Total Unknown: 16 - 14 = 2

Neutral Powers: Push + Pull + Jump + Speed + Sabre Throw + Mind Trick = 6

Light Powers: Heal(?) + Absorb(?) + Drain(?) = 3

Dark Powers: Grip + Lightning + Rage(?) = 3


Thoughts: We already know that Absorb, Drain and Rage will be probably Multiplayer Only powers, but there are still 2 Known Active we'll not have. Which ones?


Theory: We already know that Mind Trick and Speed are different in multiplayer. Maybe they count them as separate powers. If this is right we have 14 total powers. If only 2 are passive then remains 12 active powers (6active+2passive neutral, 3active light and 3active dark) and we know all force powers.


Post your thoughts and infos. I'll update this thread if I forgot something.

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Guest Apparition

Actually, I believe, that saber throw is a passive force power. It still levels up but using it doesn't take away from your force pool (mana pool, whatever). At least that's the way I understood it. It's like the lightsaber techniques. You level up and gain abilities but it doesn't take the force. I think with each new stance you learn you go up a level with the saber throw too, or it's done at a seperate time. But I'm fairly positive it's one of the passive ones.


After all, what other passive ones could there be?

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Passive force powers are the ones that don't require a hotkey to activate or generally are always active. You HAVE to activate saber throw, so is an active power. You DON'T HAVE to activate saber blocking (i.e. Force Lightsaber), so is a passive power. We didn't know that force sense was passive, but Kenn said it.

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Well to come back on that mind trick thing... it can be either a good thing or a bad thing... depending on what you're making your subject do. If you indeed just act like Obi-Wan and make sure they don't see you or they think they're hearing something or use it to let the enemy leave you alone for a sec it's perfectly alright.(altough the latter can be already be concidered a bit neutral , even leaning towards not so good if you keep it up for too long)... but if you're using the technique to oh say... make your opponent jump of a cliff or make him turn against his friends or something in the likes of that, you're practically driving yourself to the dark side. So basically, it's like with several force powers, depending on how you use them that'll make you a light or dark jedi. (for example force pull, push and choke are basically the same power.. you use it to manipulate an object. Use it to pull away a blaster it's okay, or to pull an out of reach object to you.. but on the other hand.. use that same skill to Pull someone into the blade of your saber or push him off a cliff or choke him to death.. it's bad.. )

Well I hope this rant cleared up a few things ^_^"

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Originally posted by digl

never heard about distract either...


Nemios Im sure I read somewhere that there are 7 passive powers (no, Im not confusing it with 7 mp ones)




Probably who wrote that article was quite confused. There's no place for 7 passive powers according to Kenn, unless "passive" meant something different for that guy (maybe powers that don't affect others but you like jump, heal, absorb...)

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