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Didn't notice this

Guest Apparition

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Guest Apparition

In the force power section I didn't notice that the Mind trick force power can turn enemies to your side. This should make for some interesting sp levels.

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I noticed that recently as well - though I think it was in one of the 'review scans' or the interview with Ken H. I think that should be *very* interesting!


It was also interesting to note that Saber Throw is not listed (in the interview) as a 'force power' as it was in MotS, but rather as a type of Saber attack. Interesting ...


... on the subject of saber throwing, does anyone know where its' origin is in the EU?



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As far as i know its origin is out of return of the jedi the movie when vadar did it, thats it. From Golden age of sith till on, that ability seems to be a movie exclusive so far.


No force will likely be tooken for throwing the saber because you will probably have to use force pull to take it back manually

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No force will likely be tooken for throwing the saber because you will probably have to use force pull to take it back manually


So are you saying if you don't pull it, it will fly forever?


Seriously though, this method of saber throwing would be nothing short of ridiculous and unecesary. A saber throw hotkey would be perfect, and I'm sure that's what it is.

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According to rumours, Anakin will also throw his saber in AOTC cutting Super Battle Droid in half or something like that, so George might have meant it exclusively for him. When you look at the movies, Jedi/Sith don't generally use much Force while they are dueling, because it would draw their attention away from fight itself, so you have to be very powerful and concentrated to perform such trick in the heat of battle.

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Guest X-Vector
Originally posted by [sWS]Strider

The Saber throw key is the secondary fire on the lightsaber. Just to let you know.


I must not have been paying attention, what happened to the manual block function?

I'm not talking deflecting incoming energy bolts, but defending yourself against enemy lightsaber thrusts and slashes.

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Originally posted by Lord_FinnSon

According to rumours, Anakin will also throw his saber in AOTC cutting Super Battle Droid in half or something like that, so George might have meant it exclusively for him. When you look at the movies, Jedi/Sith don't generally use much Force while they are dueling, because it would draw their attention away from fight itself, so you have to be very powerful and concentrated to perform such trick in the heat of battle.


You have to bare in mind though that Vader/Anakin was the most powerful Jedi/Sith ever and that using the force was darned easy. You only have to look at ESB when they are by the window at Bespin and Vader just stands there as the room falls apart. He's not even trying! Vader could have had Luke at any time, but he was just playing with him. That's why in ROTJ Luke gets Vader because he is a better dualer than Vader. Vader is bollox with a saber, once he's boxed in and can't use force powers he's defenceless...

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Guest X-Vector
Originally posted by [sWS]Strider

I don't belive there ever was a manual block fucntion.


I was thinking of Jedi Knight, but you're probably right about Jedi Outcast.

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There is also something mentioned about "force rage", didn't discuss that very clearly, and as far as I know no official word was given. But this force is supposed to make you stronger and faster if your hp was down at a certain level.

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That's why in ROTJ Luke gets Vader because he is a better dualer than Vader. Vader is bollox with a saber, once he's boxed in and can't use force powers he's defenceless...

Well, I'm sure we will be astounded how good duelist Anakin REALLY was in his youth when we see him in AOTC, but having most of your body parts replaced with cybernetic implants and wearing that armour, will slow down anyone and limit their movement; if you wanna see really awesome duelist though, take a look at Mace Windu(only second to Yoda). But you are right, he could have easily killed Luke, if he wanted to, but that wasn't his attention, so he teased Luke with his powers and let us all see how easy it really was for Christ like legend to "kick" down untrained boy. As a sidenote, Luke wasn't really THAT good dualist himself: he was really fast and pushed forward intuitively, but there's nothing "graceful" in his aggressive moves.

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Guest Apparition
Originally posted by db6

There is also something mentioned about "force rage", didn't discuss that very clearly, and as far as I know no official word was given. But this force is supposed to make you stronger and faster if your hp was down at a certain level.


That's for multiplayer only. It takes you down to one health but gives you a huge boost in strength and speed.

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My personally harbored theory is that Force Rage is the equivalent of what happened to Luke in the end of ROTJ, with the exception of health being lowered. It's like a boost of Dark Force energy, giving you a huge advantage for a relatively short amount of time.

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As for lightsaber throwing being exclusive to the movies, not so. I know for a fact that in the Heir to the Empire series Luke throws his saber at a support beam of a structure to take out a bunch of stormtroopers. He does this without the Force (there's tons of Yaslimari (sp?) around I guess it's not truly Force Saber Throw. However, there is another time in a book, the one where the Noghri (sp again?) are after Leia, Luke is cornered by a bunch of them and they have weird weapons. One of them fires at him and he tries to block it, but it doesn't work and it numbs his arm or something like that. He realizes there's no other way out and he throws his lightsaber and slices all 5 or 6 guys in half and pulls it back to his hand using the Force. Now THAT'S Force Saber Throw.:)

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In the movies a lightsaber turns off when no longer being held, like in ESB in the carbon freeze chamber Lukes saber gets twisted out of his hand. It was always my belief that one had to use the force to artifically hold the saber as it travels. As so in the UK trailer you see mana drain when he uses force throw. This happens when the saber on the return goes through the crate.

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