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Questions and concerns


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In the trailer, it looks as though Kyle is wielding a baseball bat as opposed to a lightsaber. I say this because when he strikes an enemy, they fly several feet backwards. Shouldn't it just slice them instead? Watch the trailer with this fact in mind.


Also, i read in a very early interview that there would be an advanced physics system to allow some interesting puzzles and stradegies for killing. Have yall heard any more of this, if so where could I go for more info. I think realistic physics add a great dimension to games.


The game is looking fantastic, these are just a couple of concerns. Thanks.


Sure wish i could find that Pc gamer uk scan. ~~~~

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No, they were knocked off their feet by the saber.


By advanced physics i mean when I throw an object will it react realistically. If I use the force and throw a stormtrooper or a crate, when it hits the ground will it roll or slide or bounce realistically or will it just land. Hitman had a good physics system. I hate when i kill an enemy and most of their body is hanging off a cliff. In the early preview i read it mentioned force throwing something down a lfight of steps and it bounced and rolled realistically. Anyone?

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Part of my concern is similar to yours... I'm worried that JO won't really feel like a Star wars game, but feel more like a "Quake 3 Mod".


The elegant lightsaber is now a baseball bat, which I thought looked rather funny (not that that's good...) in the trailer, and now, there's trip mines, rocket launchers, flak cannons, and more then half of the weapons use METAL bullets!! And to top it all off, there's a Phaser like weapon (disrupter) which acts very similar to something Elite Force might have... (BTW, the bow caster in JK used bullets, but they weren't metal).


I dunno... I'm sure Raven can make great games; with good story, nice graphics, good gameplay, ect, but I don't think Jedi Outcast will feel like Star Wars. I think it will be very fun, but just won't feel like part of the Galaxy Far Far away...


My other concerns are purely Gameplay...


I'm worried about how force speed in SP (and MP, but I'll get to that later) will be implemented. Incase whosoever is reading this doesn't know, Force speed will be similar to "bullet time" from Max Pane (sp?). It slows down the environment around the user, while keeping Kyle moving at the same normal speed. This seems like a tremendes advantage over normal combat. I think it's possible that it will be so good, that I'll want to have it on ALL the time. In JK1 the *only* reason why you wouldn't want to have JKI force speed on all the time was becuase there was some hazard in using it. However, in JKII there will be no hazard apparently, since you're moving at normal speed. I personally don't want to play the game in slow motion the whole time in order to be effective.


Now, some of you may be thinking: "If you don't like it so much, why don't you just not use it?" In JK1 I played through the Dark Side first, and I thought force choke was pretty cool. Soon afterwards I realized I could just simply hit the "Force Pull" key, and instantly take the weapon away from my adversary. However, Force choke had a shorter range, took longer to disable, and took more mana then Force pull did. They both had the same effect, however force pull was by far superior. When I did use force choke over force pull, I just wouldn't feel right about it, since I know I could just simply use Force pull and make the battle a whole lot easier. I ofcourse stuck with Force pull (which seemed to be the most effective force in the game), but I always wanted to have a use for Force Choke...


So, what I actually want is a reverse of what I described above; I want there to be a reason why I wouldn't want to have Force speed on 100% of the time. This could be achieved by making it use a whole lot of mana. Not allowing me to use any other force powers while force speed is in motion. Or simply put a timer on when you can use it agian.


My last concern is of Force Speed in Multiplayer. I'll be completely honest, I HATED Force speed in Jedi Knight 1 MP, for some of the same reasons why I have concerns about SP force speed in JO's SP. I don't want to run around at 100mph to be effective... but I will if it has the same lack of disadvantage as the original JKI's did. I really want to play a true saber fight, (with force) but a battle that seems very much like the star wars movies. However, if force speed is exactly like it was in the original JK, then that will be impossible. Most likely almost all of the kills will be done by someone dieing from destruction, while both the attacker and attackee are running at 100mph; just like in JKI.



If Force speed (in MP) was designed by my rules (just saying if , I'm not trying to say it SHOULD be), then I would put these limitations on it... Make Force speed like a horizontal force Jump. What I mean is; force speed would last about as long as Force jump takes from the beginning of the jump, up to the point where you reach absolute height. Also, I would have it use about 1/3 of the user's mana pool. This would reduce the ammount of "crazy" force speeding, by making the user want to reserve his or her mana pool. It also make the user want to only use force speed in dire need, when he wants to escape quickly. While force speed is in motion, Force pool does not recharge. While Force speed is in motion, you cannot do ANY kind of attack. If all those rules were followed, I believe it would create a much more movie like force speed, similar to The Phatom Menace force speed, which was a quick burst of speed, and at the same time, making it more balanced.



Well anyways, those are just MY concerns, and how I offer that they should be resolved. I do not say my opinion on how it should be done is the right one. And I do not pretend to have any inside knowledge, I haven't played the game, just like most of you haven't, so perhaps all of my fears are ungrouned, and perhaps when I say the game will not feel like Star Wars, that I may be wrong. But, it's just a game, but happens to be a game many are looking forwards to (myself included). I won't cry if it's not exactly how I want--I'll still buy it, play it, and enjoy it, but I'll probably think it was a shame, since it could've been better. But maybe not, we shall see.

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Perhaps Bio. But the thing is, what was the disadvantage you had in using it? To kill most everyone who's using force speed, while not using it yourself is a great feat. You'd have to be a very good palyer to do so. However, you'd have to be even better player if you also had Force speed on at the same time, right?


My point being, there's no disadvantage to using it, therefore there's no reason not to use it.

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In the trailer, it looks as though Kyle is wielding a baseball bat as opposed to a lightsaber. I say this because when he strikes an enemy, they fly several feet backwards. Shouldn't it just slice them instead? Watch the trailer with this fact in mind.

Why do I have a feeling that LEC/Raven may have disabled dismemberment when they captured those videos? Almost every preview so far have confirmed that it will be part of the game(one even sayed that you could make a guy out of those limbs that you left behind you), so either A) they don't want us to see the effect yet(remember, none of the screenshots so far have shown cutted limbs) OR B) it will be similar to JK and dismemberment is only occasional. One thing is clear though: developers are going leave some serious surprises for us to find out, so let's be cool. :cool:

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Part of my concern is similar to yours... I'm worried that JO won't really feel like a Star wars game, but feel more like a "Quake 3 Mod".

This is also a fear of mine, but I think force powers and the lightsaber shall create different aspects and better balance the game. With the force powers + lightsaber, you were instantly deadly. Force speed and force jump gave battle a 3d element.


...now, there's trip mines, rocket launchers, flak cannons, and more then half of the weapons use METAL bullets!! And to top it all off, there's a Phaser like weapon (disrupter) which acts very similar to something Elite Force might have... (BTW, the bow caster in JK used bullets, but they weren't metal)...

I think the metal bullests are meant to balance the game; we're now looking at the saber becoming the most weapon in the game.. so powerful that they had to add to gun's functions to prevent the saber from becoming an factor that unbalances the game. All of these weapons may have been created to better appeal to Quakers, and/or prevent the saber from becoming unstoppable.






My last concern is of Force Speed in Multiplayer. I'll be completely honest, I HATED Force speed in Jedi Knight 1 MP, for some of the same reasons why I have concerns about SP force speed in JO's SP. I don't want to run around at 100mph to be effective... but I will if it has the same lack of disadvantage as the original JKI's did.


I really want to play a true saber fight, (with force) but a battle that seems very much like the star wars movies. However, if force speed is exactly like it was in the original JK, then that will be impossible.

There was nothing stopping you from having movie-like battles except for both parties willingness to have that battle. If you want a movie-like battle, do not use force speed and request that your opponent do the same.. if he refuses, he obviously does not want to role-play and play like luke skywalker. The option for you have this there was present in jk and it clearly will not only be there in jk2, but it'll have been improved upon. As long as that options there, why impose it on other players?

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Originally posted by indianajones9

What are your biggest concerns about the game?


my primary concern is how movement will be.. i'd really like to see that option for fast-paced gameplay to be there. the effect of accelerating when turning(happy raze? :p) that jk had gave jk players a great deal of more control in speed of movement, etc. than your typical DM.

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"I think the metal bullests are meant to balance the game; we're now looking at the saber becoming the most weapon in the game.. so powerful that they had to add to gun's functions to prevent the saber from becoming an factor that unbalances the game. All of these weapons may have been created to better appeal to Quakers, and/or prevent the saber from becoming unstoppable. "--DeathBoLT


I honestly don't understand how metal bullets makes the Light Saber more balanced. Do you mean to say that, since the light saber cannot deflect the metal bullets that it will make gameplay more balanced? If so, I must say you're incorrect... The lightsaber CAN deflect the golan arms weapon--which fires metal bullets, by the way.


So far the only 2 Star Warsy weapons showen are the ST rifle, and the Bryar pistol. I'm happy with how they turned out, but the overwelming majority of the other weapons do not in belong JO (only in my opinion, ofcourse).


We have the Disrupter Rifle, which not only makes enemie's disentergrate, but ALSO makes them freeze when they get hit by it. It looks very, very similar to how the old Star Trek movies delt with the disentergration effect. What they did was; Film a person standing there, then add the red phaser effects, then do a cut to the same room, but with no one else there. The reason why the people who got hit by the phaser froze, and didn't move was becuase of limitions on tech.


However, Raven has adobted this look for the Disrupter Rifle, which appears to be exactly like an old Star Trek movie.


IMO, once hit by the Disrupter, the victim should fall over normally, while disentergating. That way, it will look alot more like Star Wars, and less like Star Trek.


We also have the Rockett Launcher, which we know little about, so I won't try to say it doesn't seem Star Warsy. But, however, I'd like to say I never thought the Rail Dets were very Star Warsy either....


We have the Golan Arms, Heavy Repeater, and the Bow Caster, all which fire bulllets. I honestly don't like those weapons too much (by the look of them) and I hate the fact that they fire metal bullets... If they'd fire plastic bullets, I'd be more happy :p. I think laser guns would've fit much better into the Star Wars universe.


So, plain and simply put: I think Raven is making the weapons out of their head the way they think a good balanced crew of weapons should be. However, one thing I think they're missing is the fact that this is Star Wars and not you're typical quake game...



"There was nothing stopping you from having movie-like battles except for both parties willingness to have that battle. If you want a movie-like battle, do not use force speed and request that your opponent do the same.. if he refuses, he obviously does not want to role-play and play like luke skywalker. The option for you have this there was present in jk and it clearly will not only be there in jk2, but it'll have been improved upon. As long as that options there, why impose it on other players?"--DeathBoLT


Well, I suppose what my reasoning is this; Since this game is supposed to be like Star Wars, I want to be able to join ANY multi player game server (mods not included ofcourse) and have it FEEL like Star Wars. I honestly think the way I described how (I think) Force Speed should be done would not only balance the game, but also make it more movie like.


I suppose you're an avid fan of Force Speed, DeathBoLT, so just out of curiousity, how would you feel if Force Speed was done the way I said in my early post?


Which was...


"If Force speed (in MP) was designed by my rules (just saying if , I'm not trying to say it SHOULD be), then I would put these limitations on it... Make Force speed like a horizontal force Jump. What I mean is; force speed would last about as long as Force jump takes from the beginning of the jump, up to the point where you reach absolute height. Also, I would have it use about 1/3 of the user's mana pool. This would reduce the ammount of "crazy" force speeding, by making the user want to reserve his or her mana pool. It also make the user want to only use force speed in dire need, when he wants to escape quickly. While force speed is in motion, Force pool does not recharge. While Force speed is in motion, you cannot do ANY kind of attack. If all those rules were followed, I believe it would create a much more movie like force speed, similar to The Phatom Menace force speed, which was a quick burst of speed, and at the same time, making it more balanced."

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Originally posted by Jedi Legend

My biggest concern is how it will run on my system. I have a good processor and a decent 3d card but I only have 128 megabytes of ram. Another concern is the controls. I hope it isn't to difficult to control the saber and acrobatics.


Oh brother....128 is more than enough you should of been figured that out by comparing with other games and what not

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Originally posted by lonepadawan

What? The bowcaster uses bullets? I thought it used those green thingies seen in the trailers and screenshot.


It's not exactly a bullet, but it is a projectile. You can find more information on it in the database at starwars.com

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"I think the metal bullests are meant to balance the game; we're now looking at the saber becoming the most weapon in the game.. so powerful that they had to add to gun's functions to prevent the saber from becoming an factor that unbalances the game. All of these weapons may have been created to better appeal to Quakers, and/or prevent the saber from becoming unstoppable. "--DeathBoLT


I honestly don't understand how metal bullets makes the Light Saber more balanced. Do you mean to say that, since the light saber cannot deflect the metal bullets that it will make gameplay more balanced? If so, I must say you're incorrect... The lightsaber CAN deflect the golan arms weapon--which fires metal bullets, by the way.


I left out how it will balance by accident. It may simply be neccessary to have a weapons that cannot be turned agaisnt their users via the saber blocking to prevent gun use in MP from suicidal. Especially in Jedi Master gameplay where your only option is tokill the only Jedi(to become the only Jedi) with guns. And btw where does it say that the flecettes can be deflected?

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