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New Screenshot [2/22/02]


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I have two possible theories:


1) This is just a shot from multiplayer, and two people both choosed Kyle as their model.


2) This is a shot from singleplayer and Kyle is on a "vision quest" similar to when Luck went into the cave to face Vader on Dagobah in The Empire Strikes Back.

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Originally posted by rolsen

I have two possible theories:


1) This is just a shot from multiplayer, and two people both choosed Kyle as their model.


2) This is a shot from singleplayer and Kyle is on a "vision quest" similar to when Luck went into the cave to face Vader on Dagobah in The Empire Strikes Back.


i think its number 2 since his saber isnt on

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Cool! They have mirrors in the levels!!


'tis not a mirror my friend, otherwise the "reflection's" lightsaber would be on his right side (the same side kyle's saber is on)

its obviously another player


i doubt that its a clone of kyle though.... that level doesnt look like it would be a very good lvl to fight a boss in


i'd say the shot is most likely from an mp game....

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One word...W:DW



Have a question though....can u turn the lightsaber on and off

while still in 3rd person perspective???


..or is it like JK where the saber turns off when u change weapon?


It would be cool to have the option to turn it on and off while in 3rd person...;)



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In JK you CAN turn it off and still have 3d-view, just press your F1 key to toggle between internal and external view (Even with Saber retracted) :)



and it's not a mirror? aah too bad. :( oh well.. has a 3d fps-game ever had a mirror? JK didnt have mirrors.. Half Life and CS and Q didnt have mirrors either..


I recon mirrors are real hard to create.. :confused:

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Roger, has a point. If it were mirriored Kyle would be flipped so that the sabre would be on the other side along with his shoulder pad. I think He's fighting a clone of himself (episode V anyone).


No Zodiac, mirrors are just graphic intensive.


Think about it. With a mirror in a level, it has to render everthing twice (when the player looks into it of course ;) ). Now crank up the res. to the max, with tripple buffer and 2x or 4x AA, and you better hope you have a good system to run that! Mirrors don't effect frame rate (too much) if they are kept small and in low lag areas (ie. no action going on). Thats why FPS have very few mirrors and are usually in a closet/bathroom or in small sized rooms with very little going on.

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I don't think it is a mirror , for reasons that have already been pointed out.


Multiplayer is plausable.


There are to little things I would like to add:


1) If you remember back to MotS they had 'FORCE PROJECTION' , maybe they are reviving this force power????


2)The thing about it being a 'CLONE' , They already did that in MotS and it SUCKED royally. I think they would'nt even attempt that stunt again.


Really looking forward to it. Pre-Ordered my copy in December!


Everyone seen the PC GAMER UK video and review, it absolutely ROCKS!!!! Still trying to find the 'Dark side' Box?

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Guest X-Vector

I've studied the picture for a bit and I'm still not sure.


As pointed out, if this is a mirror shot then Kyle's image is mirrored incorrectly (saber side, model stance, wall and floor textures).

At the same time, the floor seems to slant and 'deslant' from the exact origin of where the mirror would be (i.e. the two player models do not appear to be in the same horizontal plane), also it would be hard to explain the small gap between the two 'sheets' of wall that stand between both Kyles if not for the mirror theory.


Am I seeing ghosts here? ;)

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Hi guys, this is my first post!!!


Glad someone else noticed that it wasn't a mirror!! No-one over at the Jedi-Outcast.com forums seemed to have noticed this - now I know where the INTELLIGENT people go to discuss JK2.


Another FPS with a mirror - AvP (the original one - first level)


Another thing I've noticed, is that Kyle's saber hilt is different to the one he has in most of the recent screenshots. In this pic. he has a big chunky one that was in the screenshot with the green lakey thing - it looks a bit like Obi-Wan's from Ep1 (urrgh!). Does that mean this picture isn't "new" new???


Also, could you tell me how you all have customised pictures underneath your names, how do I do that??

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Guest X-Vector
Originally posted by CaptainRAVE

Maybe hes seeign a vision. I dont think its a mirror because of those two pieces that look like a frame.


It's not a frame, you're probably confused by the angle of view (close to 90º) in relation to the more distant of the two sidewalls.

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