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JK2 Performance


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Has Lucasarts or Raven given any kind of system requirements as of yet? The only place i have seen any kind of requirements are in PCgamer (UK), and thats not really official....And I am wondering if my old Tbird should be replaced before JK2 is in my hands....


I was wondering, since JK2 is supposed to feature very big (high resolution) textures, is this going to affect performance at all when you have a high end video card?

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Im really suprised by all the 'can my system handle it' question.


If people who post here are avid PC gamers, they know the deal.

If you have a sub 500mhz system with less then 128 megs and a tnt1/GF1/Any voodoo cards (i.e. lack of updated drivers since 3dfx is dead) then, yes you will have performance issues. Simple.


I know upgrading sucks but if your into PC gaming, its just a fact we have to live with. And while this doesnt mean im telling people to run out and *just* upgrade their pcs for Jk2, if your a gamer, want to enjoy current games and own a low spec system (lets say sub 600mhz), check this:


$72 - Athlon 1GHz 266 (pricewatch.com) as entry cpu




$92 - Athlon 1.4GHZ 266 as a next level cpu


$40 - PC133 256MB That's the bare min. memory you will need


$130 GeForce3 TI 200 or a $75 - GeForce2 TI 64MB


If you go by entry level cpu and vid card you spend ca. $219 on a

gaming rig which is small on the wallet but still allows you to play all current pc games. (not in hi hi-res and 32bit and AA all the way on).


If you have an older motherboard, check in for another $60 for a decent one.


While of course not everyone maybe has $200 (esp. our younger gamers), its fair to say pc gaming has never been as cheap. 2 years back 510 megs of Kingston Ram ran about for 1k. Yeah you read right. And if your totally broke then you will need another hobby, cause pc gaming requires upgrades. Period.


And oh yeah, finally thought i post something useful. ;)

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Originally posted by buzzfunk666

Im really suprised by all the 'can my system handle it' question.


If people who post here are avid PC gamers, they know the deal.

If you have a sub 500mhz system with less then 128 megs and a tnt1/GF1/Any voodoo cards (i.e. lack of updated drivers since 3dfx is dead) then, yes you will have performance issues. Simple.


It's a bit more complicated than this....there is a lot of issues to be taken under consideration. Even though i have a pretty decent rig, many games including MoHAA runs with a not so decent framerate. And I really wonder if the Raven prgrammers have done a better job with the Q3A engine than 2015's programmers did. The framerate on MoHAA is ridiculous, in extremely complex scenes the game is stable between 50-60 fps, but in other scenes who doesn't neccecerely have to be more complex (more the opposite), the framerate plummets to 5-15....


And here's my rig, someone asked (I think)



AMD Tbird 1.2 GHz

512 Mb DDR 2100 ram

Hercules GeForce III Ti500


[EDIT: Lucasarts have revealed the final requirements anyway....]

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Yeah agreed. While some games do have performance issues, a little system tweakin can help a lot. And MoH is a system sucker, i agree. I dont know what res ur running but i never play any game higher then 1024x784 32bit.



To be honest, JK2 doesnt look like it uses too many ploys, level wise. (sure models look they do) so i doubt it will have the same issues as MoH (which uses quite some polys).


CaptainRave, thanks man. :)

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Originally posted by buzzfunk666



Yeah agreed. While some games do have performance issues, a little system tweakin can help a lot. And MoH is a system sucker, i agree. I dont know what res ur running but i never play any game higher then 1024x784 32bit.


I never play on any higher res than 1024*768*32 neither....and my comp should be running MoHAA like a charm, but sadly it doesn't..... And my comp is about as tweaked as it can get.


The game doesn't look good enough to justify the framrate in my opinion. And don't get me wrong, with every detail setting on max, it is one of the most beautiful games I have ever seen, but it seems as though 2015 has put the polys in the wrong places if you know what I mean....


There are so many objects that have an overkill of polys, and you won't even notice....

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official requirements are up.

my k6-2 350


16mb voodoo3

will play it, yay!!!!!!



well that's what they say.... i haven't been able to play a new game for months so i don't believe them for a second... time to upgrade again.... or maybe go snowboarding... i can't decide...

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It's fairly acceptable to think about 3 times what they specified for the BEST results. Of course, it's pretty easy to tell. Hell if you have a Pentium II, 64mb RAM, and a TNT then it won't play very nicely at all. (And it's time to upgrade my friend) but if you have Athlon 800 with Geforce2 and more than 128mb RAM then you should be sitting fairly pretty

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Well I better get some kickass graphic options then.


Pentium4 1.5ghz


Visiontek Geforce3 Ti200



I am really looking forward to the new shadow technology they are using in this game that is supported by Geforce3 cards. You know the one where something can cast a shadow on itself. Its going to be, well for lack of better words, kickass.

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I was thinking of upgrading to a GeForce4 Ti 4400 or 4600, in lieu of JKII. I am currently running


Athlon TBird 1.2GHz


GeForce2 GTS


It's a pricy upgrade though $300 for 4400 and $400 for the 4600

I want to run JKII at or really really close to the highest quality levels, and still run smoothly.

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No offense to anyone that still has a voodoo card, but I'd really recommend that those people consider upgrading to a geForce class card...or a Radeon. The main reason I say that is that there is a reason why 3Dfx tanked...when they first came out, the cards were decent enough, but I think they rested on their laurels entirely too long...and nVidia and ATI passed them by like you wouldn't believe.


But I think the real reason I'd consider upgrading is that "the carmack" is an openGL guy, his engines ( Quake3TA, Doom3 ) all exclusively use openGL ( not directx ). Voodoo cards never really had the best openGL support...and mini drivers don't count. I even read that Elite Force had to have separate .low shader support for crap cards ( like the RagePro, voodoo2/3 ) because those cards were not fully openGL compliant and so Raven had to do low quality work-arounds for the cards to be able to even work properly with the game.


Finally, voodoo3 cards have a texture size limit of 256x256 ( this max size of a texture that can be uploaded to texture )....which, if Kenn H. is right, that many textures are 1024x1024, your card will not even be able to upload them at all--these textures will have to be sampled down a whole lot in game code ( which will significantly reduce detail ) before the card can even hope to deal with it. A 16meg card....and even a 32 meg video card is not going to be able to deal with a level chock full of 1024x1024 and 512x512 textures. That doesn't mean that people that have 16 meg cards are screwed....they will just have to play the game on very low texture detail settings.


So...if you plan on playing any of the newer games coming out ( Doom3, Unreal II, SoF2 ), you might do well to consider saving your money for a 128 meg video card...seriously! With the way games and texture memory usage is going, I'd get a 64 meg card as a very last resort.

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Originally posted by Deadeye

I was thinking of upgrading to a GeForce4 Ti 4400 or 4600, in lieu of JKII. I am currently running


Athlon TBird 1.2GHz


GeForce2 GTS


It's a pricy upgrade though $300 for 4400 and $400 for the 4600

I want to run JKII at or really really close to the highest quality levels, and still run smoothly.


That'll run it fine..it should even run Max payne maximum graphics. I could with my 1.4Ghz, 512Mb DDR Ram and a GeForce2 GTS.

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be warned, radeon's will lock out the higher lod's automatically in any q3 engine games. They do that cause q3 is used as a benchmark so often, locking out the lod's automatically kicks up the framerate.


DL a quack patch and do a benchmark on an ATI card and see the fr crumble. ATI is a dirty lil crook.


/gratuitous comp specs


1.8 p4




& on the laptop:


1.0 p3


256 ddr


\gratiuitous comp specs



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Originally posted by Rancor

No offense to anyone that still has a voodoo card, but I'd really recommend that those people consider upgrading to a geForce class card...


But I think the real reason I'd consider upgrading is that "the carmack" is an openGL guy, his engines ( Quake3TA, Doom3 ) all exclusively use openGL ( not directx ). Voodoo cards never really had the best openGL support...and mini drivers don't count


So...if you plan on playing any of the newer games coming out ( Doom3, Unreal II, SoF2 ), you might do well to consider saving your money for a 128 meg video card...seriously! With the way games and texture memory usage is going, I'd get a 64 meg card as a very last resort.


yer, you're probly right... although quake engined games seem to run far better on my system than almost anything else....

low textures though. :(


its all a question of priorities though, my upgrading went to pot when i spent all my money on travelling around the world.

now it is either an upgrade or a holiday. we shall see....

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