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Box size?


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Guest Krayt Tion

People have mentioned both, I think. Perhaps they confused? Especially if you are removing the DVD-Case from the mini box. :D


I was referring to the mini boxes, not what actually protects the CD once it is out of the box.


Yes the SkyNET box is probably my fav... the fire colors are all chromed out.


The original Jedi Knight box is the best of the DF series... followed by either the MotS or original DF box, which are both decidingly Meh.

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Ok everyone.

I believe that TheJackal started this thread because there is a new box type standard that is starting to catch on. It is a new, smaller type the box is in, not the case the cd comes in. As far as I know, EA is the only company that is using the new box size standard. Then again, I haven't been to a software store in a few weeks, so I don't really know if other companies have started using the new box. Now, I believe that TheJackal is curious if LEC will be using this new box standard or using their own size. There really is no need to get upset about this discussion because it is a valid one that those who think isn't, can easily ignore.



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Most of the boxes I see now are still the big ones. I've seen a few of the smaller ones, though, and for the most part they've been identical to the larger ones in everything but size. I'm all for the smaller boxes... after JKII comes out. For some reason that not even I can figure out, I'd like to have a box that matches the others in the series.


I also like the idea of using DVD cases, although it does involve some confusion for some people who don't notice the thing that says "PC CD-ROM" that's on the front :p I think this leaves us with less waste and a box that is also the cd case itself, as well as lasting longer than cardboard. There is nothing left over to get ruined in storage.


BTW, I'm agreeing with Swoosh, here (not that he cares, nor should he). I like this thread. Its original and unorthodox.

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Guest Apparition

LEC has yet to release a PC game since EA launched the mini-box line so it's hard to tell. Most companies are still going with the larger style box but it looks like EA's size will be taking over soon out of popular demand of store owners. Most store owners have to turn the cases to the side because of the size and have been complaining for years for them to switch to just CD cases (in the era of PS) and now, DVD cases (PS2), EA has been the first to respond with a happy middle ground.


DVD cases can't fit into the mini-boxes. I've bought two mini-boxes so far (Creature Isle and MOHAA) and they've both been EA games. So far, I haven't seen a non-EA mini-box but I also haven't really looked.


All in all, I don't care what size box they use, as I don't save them anyway. They don't have any long term, e-bay style value or any sentimental value. I figure if I want to reminisce about a past game then I'll fire it up or check out some pictures and videos of it online. The box is just fodder in the struggle to get at what's inside. As with people (yeah, right) it's what's inside that counts.


Well, I threw in my two cents.



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Guest Apparition
Originally posted by ESE_SithEmperor

How bigs the Box? ok that just plain stupid no offence man.


Fine out on your Own



Some people care about that type of stuff. Like how some people care about spelling, grammar, and sentence structure. If you don't (obviously so on both counts) then just ignore it.

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Originally posted by Apparition:

"Some people care about that type of stuff. "


Well, some people care about any stupid stuff. People who care about stupid stuff and waste time on stupid things are obviously stupid. And this site? Even though I haven't ever used offensive words (certainly said critical stuff), I STILL get my words censored and deleted. So these god-like dictator moderators can delete any criticism but nothing stupid? Freedom of speech? Where is it? I'm not saying it doesn't include freedom of saying stupid stuff, it certainly does. But if these moderators (Krayt Tion) have the power to say and delete anything from this site, than it should CERTAINLY be the stupid stuff first. I'm pretty sure this post will be gone too soon. THIS IS MY POINT AND GET IT IN YOUR HEAD INSTEAD OF DELETING IT MR. MODERATORS.

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JediArs, criticism is fine and we have no problem about it, but what you are doing is different. Do you consider "I'd like a box big enough so that I can throw it at the jackals head and fatally wound him!! " criticism or even a mature comment? The moderators here believe you are trying to start a flame war and we are only taking precautions to avoid this and sometimes that means deleting your posts. Please, if you have a problem with this thread, ignore it. If you have a problem with how we moderate, go elsewhere. If you want to discuss this with any of the moderators, please feel free to private message us or go to the Help/Feedback Forum.



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Originally posted by JediArs

Originally posted by Apparition:

"Some people care about that type of stuff. "


Well, some people care about any stupid stuff. People who care about stupid stuff and waste time on stupid things are obviously stupid. And this site? Even though I haven't ever used offensive words (certainly said critical stuff), I STILL get my words censored and deleted. So these god-like dictator moderators can delete any criticism but nothing stupid? Freedom of speech? Where is it? I'm not saying it doesn't include freedom of saying stupid stuff, it certainly does. But if these moderators (Krayt Tion) have the power to say and delete anything from this site, than it should CERTAINLY be the stupid stuff first. I'm pretty sure this post will be gone too soon. THIS IS MY POINT AND GET IT IN YOUR HEAD INSTEAD OF DELETING IT MR. MODERATORS.


I think you'd get on well with The Third Jedi Chiss & Jedi James from the jedi-outcast.com forums. They started having a go at the moderators there, and were eventually banned!! They DID make some good points though!! Moral of the story - you can't win against moderators, so it's better to just let your anger well up inside of you!!

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JediArs, I'm not going to coddle you - I'm going to be very blunt. Show some respect or expect every one of your posts to get deleted or edited. It's that simple. I find it distasteful to have to go to that extreme, and rarely have to, but I find it more distasteful to see someone degrade and insult others because of the topic they're discussing, or their personal opinions. This is all common sense.


If you don't find interest in a topic, then move along. If you disagree with someone's point of view, then feel free to debate them using information and logic, and without insults. One does not prove one's point of view by issuing personal attacks.


We have a fun, supportive community here, and if you can't practice a little common courtesy, then you need to find someplace else to spend your time. If you insist on being rude and offensive, you can expect your posts to continue to be deleted and edited until you get it. I look forward to you becoming a positive member of our community.


Have a nice day :cool:

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Personally, I do collect game boxes (well, not "collect" in the collector sense, but I keep the cool ones around rather than pitching them), however, I realize they take up some space and in a lot of cases, are a waste (huge box, tiny cd and maybe a thin manual inside).


Now I know they do this for a reason, to get noticed on the shelves, however they can just as easily make a big sticker/poster/display case thing for people to notice, rather than the actual game boxes being huge. It would even save money on packaging. And in effect, they could fit more games on the shelves (since space is limited after all).


Since I started my DVD movie collection, I've become fond of the Amray "keepcase" used commonly with DVD movies. The new console systems (Xbox, PS2, etc) seem to be going that route as well, which I think is nice. They're much sturdier than those crappy cd jewel cases, and they are a bit bigger, allowing for more art/advertising/manuals as well.


The idea about scanning and resizing is good, although if you don't have a good color printer, it can be costly (and doesn't look as nice as professional high-res graphics). I plan to do that with some of my old Saturn and Dreamcast games (stretch labels for amray cases). They sell DVD towers now too, at least where I'm at.


If PC games switched to Amray (no more packaging than the DVD keepcast wrapped in plastic), I wouldn't mind it at all.


It might seem like a stupid thread (frankly some of us have run out of things to talk about), but if it is, just don't post in it, I say.

; )

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Guest Apparition
Originally posted by JediArs

Well, some people care about any stupid stuff. People who care about stupid stuff and waste time on stupid things are obviously stupid.


I hate to break it to you but I bet a lot of the things you care about someone else finds stupid. But I know that in your little self absorbed, anal retentive world that you're the only one who matters.

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Originally posted by CaptainRAVE

I went to my local EB to pre order it and the shop was being referbished. Hopefully soon it will re-open :D.........I dont want to go to all the other few hundred PC shops in town :rolleyes:..I want EB!!!!!!!:mad:


Try the Lucasarts company store. Once, I pre-ordered a game there and it arrived at my house the day BEFORE they said it would be in stores!:D

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All right Vagabond, you've made some good points. I guess I did just go a little over my head criticizing the Jackal. I originally just wanted to state my opinion but, well, just went out of control. Krayt Tion's reply to my first onslaught kind of ticked me off and made me write the second bad post. My intentions are to have fun talking about JKII and there are some things that kind of get me going wacked. So, I apologize to the Jackal, Krayt Tion, other moderators, and anyone else who was offended. Peace out people.

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Everybody(including me) started as bantha fodder, very 50 post it will change theres nothing wrong with that JediArs....so chill...


About the box, I think it will be the same size as Galactic Battleground or the more recently released Star Wars Starfighter..



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