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Find Your Star Wars Twin

Devil Doll

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You: high (70 percentile)

Wicket -- A particularly curious, inventive, and resourceful young Ewok, open to exploring new ideas and developing novel solutions to everyday problems (e.g., destroying AT-STs).



You: neither high nor low (35 percentile)

Admiral Ozzel -- A generally conscientious soldier who is susceptible to occasional lapses & blunders, such as the mistake he made at the beginning of the imperial assault on the rebel base at Hoth.



You: low (18 percentile)

Wampas -- reclusive creatures of the ice planet Hoth. They are rarely seen & generally shy, leading a solitary existence.



You: neither high nor low (44 percentile)

Darth vader/Anakin Skywalker -- This character truly belongs in the middle of the agreeableness dimension, representing both good and evil. On one hand a kind and warm, on the other hand, evil & ruthless.



You: very high (88 percentile)

Tuscan warriors -- These inhabitants of Tatooine are unpredictable, temperamental, and excitable, and known to be especially moody in their difficult teenage years.



(I screwed up on some of the questions...mostly the ones saying "moody" which I misunderstood...lol)

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Here's who I got.


Openness - neither high nor low (53 percentile)

Astro Mech Droids -- This model of droid lies in the middle of the Openness dimension because although they are generally rule bound and conservative, they are also creative and often ingenious in their approach to the problem at hand.


Conciencious - high (79 percentile)

Mon Mothma -- This is a senator of great integrity and responsibility whose talent for organization has streamlined the Alliances communications, decision-making, & accounting.

High scorers tend to be reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful.


Extraversion - low (15 percentile)

Wampas -- reclusive creatures of the ice planet Hoth. They are rarely seen & generally shy, leading a solitary existence.

Low scorers tend to be introverted, reserved, inhibited, quiet.


Agreeableness - neither high nor low (44 percentile)

Darth vader/Anakin Skywalker -- This character truly belongs in the middle of the agreeableness dimension, representing both good and evil. On one hand a kind and warm, on the other hand, evil & ruthless.


Neuroticism - low (27 percentile)

R2-D2 -- A brave droid, who remains calm, confident and unperturbed even during the most dangerous of missions.

Low scorers tend to be calm, relaxed, secure, hardy.


Now you know me, and I know you.

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