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Seriously, it is a lightsaber


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I've been playing that obi wan game for the xbox, and yes it does seem to have 8bit graphix at times, and the voices were done by richard simmons and pee wee herman, but the game play is actually pretty fun (actually the 2 player is really fun if both people know how to play). However it is ten times more fun when you are fighting against trade federation droids. Why? because you can chop them into a zillion pieces. It is intensly satisfing to see a light saber cut through something, not just people, but anything really. I have heard rumors that you will be able to chop off arms amd stuff periodically in jk2 but have seen no evidence of this in pictures or trailers. I am sure it will be an awsome game no matter what, and I am not a violence slut, but it's just not a real light saber if it doesn't cut people in some way.

anyone have any more info about this?




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In the November PC Gamer, they have a screen with a stormie arm flying.


Also check out the guy kyle kills at :44 seconds in the E3 movie the 4:49 one, not the 15 second movie).


Kyle throws his saber at a stormtrooper pushing him against the wall and slicing off his arm or leg in the process. If you look close you can see it bounce towards Kyle afterwards.:)

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George Lucas introduced battle droids for that pupose exactly: seeing the lightsaber slice through them like butter. Naturally the saber can easily slice through humans as well, but it would've been way too gory that way - unless of course he took the RotJ approach, in which people hit by the saber are knocked around (the skiff scene). That effect is pretty rediculous, considering the lightsaber's nature, and so Lucas rightfully decided to bring in an enemy that could be mutalated without making the movie "R" rated. (I just hope the troopers in AotC aren't knocked about like that, but no spoilers please).


Anyway, my point is that in order to keep with the Star Wars "PG" feel, JO's enemies will probably just die when hit by the saber, except on several random occasions when a limb or two will get chopped off.

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Yeah, limbs can be chopped off. JK 2 uses the same GHOUL 2 technology that the infamous Soldier of Fortune 2 does, but it's been toned down so that gore fests aren't possible like they are in SOF 2. That just would't suit the Star Wars enviroment, I think.

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Yes, that's completely true - except you couldn't use secondary to chop the limbs off another character in JK1, only using primary it would work.




Aside from that, In the nice 15 or 92 MB trailer/movie all the characters wouldn't be cut down by the saber just merely *boffed* away :( (Yes your right, I can't explain 'how' they are hit exactly, 'boff' is the closes I can get)


So I am now led to believe it's been MUCH MORE toned down than originally planned.


*sigh* - I guess Mod's will come out...


Cheers ;)

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Man i seriously hope that GHOUL 2 system is the bomb in MP, i would love to see me opponent get shot with a blaster and see him limp then heado ver to him choke him, while slashing like a mad man at him with your saber aaaaaaaarrrrrrrgggh


"sorry if it seemed my imagination took over"



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What will be mod-able? I've heard of a scripting engine...but will that mean we're stuck with COG all over again where we can't make our own functions and have to learn a new programming language to make mods? Or will we get the C/C++ source (like Half-Life's SDK) and be able to make cooler and less limited mods? I'm a coder, if you didn't notice, so I wanna know what i can play around with once the game comes out :)



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All I'm saying is that I will marry the person that allows me to cut a storm trooper in half. It is not a matter of blood or gore, It's just that is exactly what should happen. If you shoot a person I can see how they could just fall back with a mark on their chest, however if you cut some one, even with a real sword let alone a light saber, it should leave a mark of some kind. Even if you cant cut people in half, you should at least leave scorch marks on them. I mean If you are going to go to the trouble of making a physics system you should address the light saber vs people problem in some way beside just making it a "stun saber" that cruelly knocks your opponents back and makes them sad.

In obi wan it was fun cause you could attack a droid thinking


"hey, this lightsaber is pretty sharp, it should probably cut through this droid"


and boom, you cut him in half just like you should. I just hope they give some control rather than making it totally random.

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Most of the time though, when you hit a guy with a lightsabre, he just flies backward. He doesn't get chopped in half like he should, he reacts like he just got hit by a baseball bat. So it's not realistic in that sense.


So, do you guys think this game will get a Mature rating?

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Ever play Die by the Sword? I wish the lightsaber worked like that. The sword was always actively dangerous, meaning that it would do damage whenever it hit something, and not just when you were swinging it. I've had a glitch like this happen in my JK and MotS. The saber would grind and make sparks against the walls and low ceilings even while I was attacking with it. Has this happened to anyone else?

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That glitch with the saber happened to me also, it was pretty good fun.


If you remeber at the end of Ep1 there was blood from Qui-Gonn and Darth Maul. Also Maul was cut clean in half so they don't just restrict disections to droids.


I think there will definatly be more control over the dismemberment as the ARE using the Ghoul2 System which is pretty darn accurate



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Well, there shouldn't be overt amounts of blood and gore if you're cut by a lightsaber. The blade caterizes the would, handily giving LA a factual reason why people aren't smeared on the floor :)

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George Lucas seems to not like bloody scenes, just look at the movies, almost no blood.

It depends on are you only talking about Star Wars or do you also include Indiana Jones, which happens to be creation of GL too. In the Raiders of the Lost Ark one guy got shot right in the face and at the end there were melting flesh and exploding heads; don't even let me start talking about ritualistic ripping of victim's heart out in the Temple of Doom. Of course these decisions were also done partially by Spielberg, but LucasFilm produced all these movies and therefore Lucas really has final decision what he wants to show and why. Star Wars just happens to be a modern day myth(a space opera) and Indiana Jones is an adventure story set in the recent history, just before upcoming conflicts, so you see which one really calls for more realistic approach. :rolleyes:

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