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new report on game

Guest porkins14

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Guest porkins14

Air is much stronger when upgraded. Naboo really effective. ATAT's are ridiculously strong, and look and sound extremely tight. You guys will love them. jedi masters attack with lightning which is kewl. Fergie that weird thing in that screenshot is a dead fambaa shield gen.God you guys are gonna love this game, thats all i have to say. Please post more questions here so i can answer

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Man you are so lucky. I probably have to wait till monday or tuesday to get it and you'd be on your wasy mastering this game.



Again how are the civs diversity? What do you think of balance issues? How's the AI? Will you give the game or at least let me borrow it? ;) Did you use the jedi Mind trick? Effective? How effective is the cannon? did you get a chance to try the wookies?


too many questions so little time.



Again you lucky S.O.B

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Guest dr_death


1) do you masters fire lightening too, or just sith masters?

2) how hard are some of the hero units, like luke and maul??

3) can darth mauls ship (the sith infiltrator) carry people and fire?

4) how hard is the milleniium folcan, how many anti air turret hits can it take?

5)Can you change the units hit points and name and attack strenght using triggers.

6) why are the people in the uk getting the game on the 23rd, dam it!




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Guest dr_death

well, my brother preordered it from electroniques boutique for me and i have been told by many people it will be a week late:(


if it comes in the shop first i will buy it then i when i preordered copy comes i will take the other one i bought back and say it doesent work.

But i want the game!!!

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Guest dr_death


1)are the emperors guards in the game? if so how good do they attak?

2) can yoda fight? if so does he use a lightsaber?

3) What does the snowspeeder animation look like when taking down an at-at?

4) can you tell us what some of the senario objects/units are?


please tell us everything, i want to know it all

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more basic questions...


1) what do youi think isthe best civ?\

2) what kinda maps are there and what are they like?

3) do they have planet maps?

4) those ats are huge!! how muc better are the imps mechs?

5) how good is the regeneration?

6) hen doing all techs, do the civs get other civs specivic techs?

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Guest Lord Tirion

This is what I learned from Porkins so far:


Sith Masters are the ones that shoot lightning. As per Jedi, he said he has not used a civ yet that uses Jedi Masters.


As per Civ balances, like I said above, he has not used them all yet. He has mainly been playing the campaigns in which he said are killer.


AT-ATs are super strong. He said they killed some units in one shot but he did not specify which units exactly. Probably units from the Troop facilities. The sound and sheer size of them rock. They move very realistic as well.


Yes, they do have some planet maps. They are called locations I think, not sure.



The rest I will try and find out for you guys.

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Guest dr_death

thanks tirion.

you tell porkins to reply we are all the the edge of our seats hear

i now know who porkins is now from the star wars movie, i wouldent say he was the best of guys:)

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Jek Porkins

an Alliance pilot killed during the Battle of Yavin, Jek Porkins was a native of the planet Bestine IV until the Empire evicted the entire population in order to establish a base there. He hunted sink-crabs there, honing his piloting skills much like Luke Skywalker did on Tatooine. Later, he became a free trader, and was so employed when the Empire invaded. He became so angry with the Empire that he immediately turned his sights on the Alliance. He was assigned to the Yellow Aces squadron at Tierfon before volunteering for duty during the Battle of Yavin. He was initially denied a pilot's job in the battle, until Wes Janson came down with the Hesken Fever. Porkins was moved up to fill Janson's spot, and was assigned to Red Squadron. Unfortunately, Porkins was the first pilot killed in the Battle. For his heroic volunteerism and dedication to the Alliance, Porkins was posthumously awarded the Kenobi Medallion. He was the first recipient of the award. Porkins was portrayed by William Hootkins in Star Wars.

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