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Worst feature of JKI that shouldn't be in JKII


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The only real complaint I had with JK were the vulnerabilities to online cheating. For MotS, it was that and a few annoying bugs/glitches (mostly in Multiplayer, like the continous falling bug).


It would have been nice if they had had Dedicated Servers (at the time of MotS it was a definate MUST for FPS games), but otherwise I couldn't ask for much more.


It'd be awesome if there were a couple of "final" patches released for the games that would remedy those problems, and a remake of Dark Forces (with high res 3d acceleration and true mouselook) would be sweet. But, I get the feeling that it won't happen, and our mod communities will have to fill the gap.

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uh, consider me a newbie about this, but


oh, my bigest gripe about JKI was the SP boss levels and the fact that the saber couldn't block the pig gaurds axes, why?!?!?!, the saber can block almost everything else, the TD and Mines and anything else that explodes I can understand but the axes come on

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Net code is just the implementation of how the multiplayer works. In some games when your connection is bad everyone on screen will freeze and you won't be able to move. In other games like JK, you can still move around, etc.


Worst feature... how about force blind?! :)

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All the forces were perfectly fine, you just needed to work with them and be able to cope.


One minor little, teeny weeny, small factor that annoyed me was that how LONG the forces would last. Such as Force: Seeing/Speed/Persuasion (might be a couple more, but you get the idea...) You couldn't turn on/off those forces when you felt like it, that's what made me get annoyed if around the corner was a patrol of storm troopers and I had to use Persuasion... but after I use it, it would stay on untill it happlily situated my mana supply to a very low level :(


That's what made me use SBX (a mod for JK1) for Single Player again, it included many more options, better saber playability and wonderful force equalization (sp?). I hope in JK2 you can also choose when to use and not use certain forces and for how long.


Cheers ;)

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one thing that bugged me that i don't think has been mentioned is the rate of weapon fire. I mean you can shoot maybe 5 times a second with the rifle, yet troopers can only fire about once a second... If you playing on hard, they should up the fire rate, imo. I just think it would be alot more challenging, you'd have to use more strategy.

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Two things that were already mentioned that have been long-time JK1 annoyances of mine are under-developed NPCs and (especially) the lack of toggleable force powers. Things like speed, seeing, persuasion, deadly sight, etc. should stay active for as long as you have some juice left, and should switch off at will. Has anyone heard anything about how they will handle this in JKII?

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Originally posted by Jyt-Pon Dai'el

Another thing is that JK1 supports mousewheel commands, but you can only map them to a very small number of controls, not including next and previous weapon.


Another (minor) thing that bugs me is the lack of a quick-load button.

jk1 was made a long time ago. mice with wheels were rare. mice with 3 buttons were also rare. the fact that the game supported both when the OS of choice at the time didnt(win95) is quite amazing.


i think its pretty obvious that jk2 wont suffer technologically in these areas.

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I think Saber Battle X mod changed alot of what I didn't like about JK. I like being able to turn off and on force powers. Plus how Force jump, you could use multiple times and use it to soften your landing. The rolls on the ground and back flips....i wish he would have fixed how when you move, you can't block that well..there is about an eighty percent chance you would get shot just for running toward the guy...But, what a great mod. get SBX 3 for Mots or jk and you will play JK and MotS over again. I did and I still am. It adds so much..you can actually play the whole game with just lightsaber...anywho...enough of that.


*Killing sounds*

If you listen to the trailer from the UK pc gamer...you hear at the beginning the same scream over and over from the stromtroopers...maybe it goes randomly and they happen to just pick to scenes from the game that they screamed like that..but that will be anoying if that is the same scream over and over. I liked MotS alot more then JK. Though JK had better sound and dark jedis....mots fixed alot about the force that I didn't like and added guns and secondary weapons. So just keep in mind that they fix things each time and Raven took alot of time thinking about all of this stuff a year ago. So I am sure they played JK and thought about what they could change. I think it will rock!!!


I just want Ewoks to Kill...man i hate them Star wars isn't cute!!! And more Gonks and what do you call the little short guys that fix stuff? I hated those guys too.

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