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Awkward Moments and Things Wrong w/ Life


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theyre two songs I wrote for Human Error...tell me your comments...im eager to know


Awkward Moments:


Tiny ****ing moments

Eating at my brain

All those awkward times

They drive me insane


They spit and tear at my heart

Rip off my arm

And I know it's all my fault


And these ****ing moments

They rip me apart

They just eat away

My skull is numbing

I'm throbbing with pain

My heart is mangled

I can not see

I feel like I'm strangled

Why can't I see?


They spit and tear at my heart

Eat out my guts

And it's all my fault


Those long spent moments

They chew at my brain

**** those damn moments

Send them straight to hell--


My heat is pumping

I can not see

There's heavy breathing

Sweat dropping

**** THIS


They spit and tear at my heart

I cant ****ing see

And I know that it's all my FAULT


Things Wrong With Life:


She said "get out"--

I packed my bags

She said I suck

And that I'm a fag

But do I care?

No; it ain't a lie

She's just another thing wrong with life


He said "do your homework"

I said "**** you, Dad"

Then he hit me

Right on the head

**** him; I don't need him

Know why?

He's just another thing wrong with life


Life's a *****

And then you die

You're married? You have kids?

Damn, you're gonna die


My Mom said "****,

you better clean your room"

I said, "God No!

So screw you too!"

She hit me and left

She didn't say goodbye...

Cause she's just another thing wrong with life


The teacher said to me,

"Dentention for you!"

I said, "No, I'm smarter than all of you!"

He locked me up

Wouldnt care if I died

Schools just another thing wrong with life


Life's a *****

And then you die

People are ****

And that's what's wrong with life



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Originally posted by NiKo

heh, really. i like the message!

the 2nd song kinda sounds like an eminem song, but that's a first impression...and screw first impressions.


well if were doing that, the songs crap.


second impression: it's great! three thumbs up (genetic mutation, i don't want to talk about it.)

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