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I'm angry about a JK competition!


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There is an official JK tourney with these lame rules...


Game Settings (all rounds):

1 vs 1

Weapon: Sabers

Location: Oasis

No Force

Victory condition 5 points or 15 minutes

Disconnect or Drop from game twice in one game = Forfeit



Pfffffft. Sabs only on a guns level? :confused: Who the hell is hosting this? Bah not worth my time. WD would own in it if was FF or even NF guns.


It's not even AHP (Anti hack patch) required. I wonder which 33ker with a god toggle and extendo saber will win it.

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Torment- Do we have to make a ranting forum just for you? Being angry at a tournament which YOU DONT HAVE TO PARTICIPATE IN is no reason to come here and start a topic about it, the topic of which contains a poorly censored swear word.



Calm down man. Seriously. It's just a game. We're all here to enjoy ourselves.



Shhhhh.... settle petal.

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I'd love to have a *decent* final JK tourney, it would be just another trophy for the WD. NF sabs would even be ok but at least have it at BGJ (the level everybody play for nf sabs) and make it AHP required. At oasis there is really nothing from stopping some one from nabing a conc or rail and blasting his saber wielding opponet. Think this kinda thing doesnt happen in tournies? Guess again. Lets not even begin to discuss the hax/cheats people are gonna take in w/o AHP.


At least give everyone something worth playing.

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