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Hello, I´d just like to say that PC Gamer Sweden has reviewed it now also, they get most material from pcgamer UK.

It got an Overall Score of 90%.


Probably the same beta as UK, but different opinions.

Its not a bad score, I just thought It´d be higher


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Welcome to the forums, Lorewin, Walker of Sky and Raze. Hope you're enjoying your stay. :) Here... *hands each a chocolate Jedi Medallion* There you go. :D


Thanks for the heads-up, Lorewin. Mind you, if they're still basing their scores off a pre-beta version...then the score is pretty pointless, IMHO. :)

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Well, the only complaints they had on the game was that It had some annoying puzzle solving in the worst console fashion, and that the AI was to good almost as if they had xray vision n could see through walls. The voice actings where good they say. and the MP was extremely well made with lots of different gametype options, one for instance where u gotta catch some animal that makes u immune to force powers.


Saber was really cool to they say and u can press a "lock" button that makes your saber lock with another enememys saber.


All n all they say its very very good, despite the AI n puzzel flaws wich I really dont care about. I will play it MP 99.64% of the time anyway and that part was VERY good they said.


Ok, dont have more typing energy.


oh and thanks for the chocolate Jedi Medallion... (?) I find that Stormhammer creature to be a little .. odd . :c3po:

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so MP is great, I will also play 99% of the time MP, so I dont care much about the SP puzzles


If you think StormHammer and his Jedi Medallions are odd, wait till Jediknight_114 or Agen_Terminator start giving gifts...

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Originally posted by Lorewin

oh and thanks for the chocolate Jedi Medallion... (?)


You're welcome. ;)


I find that Stormhammer creature to be a little .. odd . :c3po:




You have no idea. :D


And a big welcome to you too, ShortThug. Here... *hands over a chocolate Jedi Medallion*. ;)




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I can bet those "annoying puzzle solving" is not really different from this in Jedi Knight or even Dark Forces and generally older, more ambitious games. I guess people just got used to "run and gun" type games and every puzzle gets annoing. Well, that's what i'll love JO for. Too good AI doesn't bother me either as it gets a tradition in latest FPS (RtCW, MoH:AA). For me those cons are pros as they just prolong the gameplay and make it more challenging. So if they cut down the score because of this down to 90%, then for me it's 110%:D

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yep, it got the Game of the month award.

They werent annoed with the fact that there are puzzles, just that there are stupid puzzles.


ALso there was a cool MP option where one guy is a Jedi Master and everyone else has blasters and have to kill him to be master themselfs, but I´ts probably old news .

I really dont care if its totaly crap Singe play. Shure I´ll play through single once. BUt with a good MP the game could last for years.

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90% is good enough, any game is going to have flaws especially at the beta stage.


Glad to hear that kill the fool with the Ysalmari made it to JKO, and a Master Tag sounds cool. I anticipate a complete lack of real social life after the release (which can't come soon enough!)

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