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An Olde Skool JK FFer's analysis of JK2 forces


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Bah, I tried to post this before but my brower fuxxed up the text.


//Blues //////////////////////////////////


I think seeing gives almost the advantage it did in JK1. Being able to see the target from behind a wall is huge. Like in JK, I'll be able catch some one around a corner with splash damage w/o seeing them (or them seeing me). Since this is such a huge thing, I'd guess most of the good players will be using it continously. This makes Mind trick just as useless as persuasion/blinding in JK1.


As for speed and Jump, I'm sure they'll be just as important as they were in JK1. Jump might even be more so because speed is reduced. Force jumping up and firing down was one of the basic tatics of jk1 ff. If there is less speed, targets will be easier to hit with this.



Pull will be quite a bit differant then in JK1. In jk1, pull was used to control power ups. Pulling some one in for a sab hit sounds sweet. Of course, pulling a weapons will be more or less the same as in jk. We'll see if absorb blocks the weapon pull or not. The range of pull is very important also.


Push will be good on some maps, bad on others. If there are lots high places to push some one off the it'll rock. It also counters Grip, but my JK1 experience would rather have me just grip the SOB back or blast him. Push will be more use to a lighty then a darky in getting out of grip.

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// Dark powers


Welp, it looks like grip will still be the single most usefull dark power. I can't wait to grip them, then pull a rail shot... 'er i mean distupter shot in thier face. I just had an idea! It says you can move them around right? Hell I'm just gonna move them out over a cliff *kicks self, prolly shouldn't have let that out* and let go muhaha. Diepwedthnxbyenoob. Anyways... I hope the range is fairly long.


Lightning... eh I dunno, I'd have to play it to make a real judgment. It sucked so hard in JK1.


Drain looks pretty good.


The dark rage looks to be bad in a deadly site kinda way. The power itself is awsome, but it leaves you vulnerable bigtime.


// Light ////////////////////////////////


Welp, I'd say mind trick is a waste (see above where I talked about seeing).


As for heal, that is obvious.


I'd have to play the game to make a judgement on protect. Does physical attacks include dark force powers? If so, then perhaps protect will be more generally usefull then absorb.


I'd like to know how much Mana absorb and protect cost and if absorb blocks pull.


PS, if you've read the first post you might want to re-read it. My browser kinda acted gay and it got messed up. I had to repost.

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I think seeing gives almost the advantage it did in JK1. Being able to see the target from behind a wall is huge. Like in JK, I'll be able catch some one around a corner with splash damage w/o seeing them (or them seeing me). Since this is such a huge thing, I'd guess most of the good players will be using it continously. This makes Mind trick just as useless as persuasion/blinding in JK1.


My interpretation of seeing on the Zone site is that it must be held down to work. Don't forget, mana doesnt recharge while using a force power, so holding seeing down all the time will drain your mana (and probably quite quickly too, it seems we have less mana this time round)


The enhanced rage looks to be bad in a deadly site kinda way. The power itself is awsome, but it leaves you vulnerable bigtime.


Well, im guessing all powers have a downside. This one is just more apparent than any of the others. What I do forsee tho, is people turning this on and then taking out as many people as possible, then just get killed when it wears off, then spawn and repeat.


I'd have to play the game to make a judgement on protect. Does physical attacks include dark force powers? If so, then perhaps protect will be more generally usefull then absorb.


Protect seems to me to be a toned down version of JK's protection. Absorb should counter most offensive force powers and protection should counter weapons/sabers. You probably have to choose which one you want on, seeing as there is no surges in JO.

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You said force pushing people off high places would be good. I would have thought that would be a cheap technique, and an elite old schooler such as yourself wouldn't need to use such a lame kill to eliminate someone who, with your skills, you could easily kill by any other method.



Personally, I don't think pushing people off high places would 'rock'. if you ever played spork at VotJT you'll know how annoying push can be. Thank god that if someone does do that to you, and you're quick enough, you'll be able to pull them with you so they share your fate.

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Originally posted by GonkH8er

You said force pushing people off high places would be good. I would have thought that would be a cheap technique, and an elite old schooler such as yourself wouldn't need to use such a lame kill to eliminate someone who, with your skills, you could easily kill by any other method.



Personally, I don't think pushing people off high places would 'rock'. if you ever played spork at VotJT you'll know how annoying push can be. Thank god that if someone does do that to you, and you're quick enough, you'll be able to pull them with you so they share your fate.


What made me a good player in JK? Just like everyone else I had a monitor, a mouse and a keyboard. What made me differant was how I used my powers and the tactics. I didnt complain when I was gripped or self killed with destruction, I learned to do it better then the next guy.


If something works well, I'm gonna use it. I don't care if other people call it cheap or it isn't the kinda thing one would expect to see in the movies. I play to win.

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Originally posted by WD_ToRMeNt

As for speed and Jump, I'm sure they'll be just as important as they were in JK1. Jump might even be more so because speed is reduced. Force jumping up and firing down was one of the basic tatics of jk1 ff. If there is less speed, targets will be easier to hit with this.


the netcode made that a basica tactic. after year of playing tribes. i dare you to jump in the air over and over. in the air youre a sitting duck. with good net code and good aim those who jump often will surely die often.


it seems force push and pull will be most useful this time around. the second you jump i have more choice than you. i can


a) push you throwing off your aim

b) pull your gun or you

c) hit the jedi nitrous oxide and speed out of there real fast

d) rail your immobile ass with the disruptor

e) if youre close jump with you and throw my saber at you


youre choices are as follows


a) shoot at me

b) hope i dont hit you


this is just all speculation though since noone knows what the game actually plays like.

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Originally posted by madrebel

the netcode made that a basica tactic. after year of playing tribes. i dare you to jump in the air over and over. in the air youre a sitting duck. with good net code and good aim those who jump often will surely die often.



Hmmm good point. I think the key here will be to be unpredicable. Railing something with speed is easier said then done. Also railing something moving at speed while that something is firing a splash weapon at you is another game entirely.

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I think every Force attack has a counter:


IF (dark vs. dark)

Throw = Little damage doesn't matter? Return the favor :)

Grip = Destruction

Lightning = No one uses it...lure the guy to Canyon Oasis's 'death path'

Destruction = You don't know when...so....have bacta ready


IF (dark vs. light)

Throw = same as above, but blind him instead

Grip = Absorb and Heal

Lightning = Absorb and Heal

Destruction = Absorb and Heal


IF (light vs. light)

Nothing much, except blinding each other :D


Seems that all Light Force are defensive and all Dark Force are offensive....I hope JK2 has some more variety of Force Powers to use...


p.s. will the infamous *crunch* (falling, or hit a wall real hard with Force Speed or Fly Mode) sound return in JK2??

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Your talking about both JK and JO in your post Torment. kthnxbye.



I'd have to play the game to make a judgement on protect.


you'd have to play the game before making judgment on anything in JO no?





Originally posted by GonkH8er

You said force pushing people off high places would be good. I would have thought that would be a cheap technique, and an elite old schooler such as yourself wouldn't need to use such a lame kill to eliminate someone who, with your skills, you could easily kill by any other method.



Personally, I don't think pushing people off high places would 'rock'. if you ever played spork at VotJT you'll know how annoying push can be. Thank god that if someone does do that to you, and you're quick enough, you'll be able to pull them with you so they share your fate.





What made me a good player in JK? Just like everyone else I had a monitor, a mouse and a keyboard. What made me differant was how I used my powers and the tactics. I didnt complain when I was gripped or self killed with destruction, I learned to do it better then the next guy.


If something works well, I'm gonna use it. I don't care if other people call it cheap or it isn't the kinda thing one would expect to see in the movies. I play to win.



WHAT THE HELL? no one asked you what made you geat at JK.


you are really quite sad in that you are full of yourself over a 7 year old game. move on.[idiotic]kthnxbye[/idiotic]

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<font color=cbcbff> Broode and Gonk have made excellent points here about both "1337" people and interpretation of the force from the Zone page.

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*comes in and reads post*


*starts crying while walking away*


"I'l never be a Jedi"


seriously though.


You can know the theory but you can still mess up. Now JO will be completely new and different then JK so i think the elite of JK should quit this pointless debate.


We can't judge what we haven't experienced or known

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the force powers do have some fault, but what i dont like is how they completely got rid of destruction! , if they thought it was too powerful they could of had it so a light jedi could deflect it back or something isntead of taking it out......

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