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Who is the most infamous person on jk2.net?


Who is the most infamout person on jk2.net?  

7 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is the most infamout person on jk2.net?

    • WD_ToRMeNt
    • WD_ToRMeNt
    • WD_ToRMeNt
    • WD_ToRMeNt

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Guest Krayt Tion

If some people from the early jk.net days start posting here again, you won't even be able to come close. :D


*waves to PissedJedi and WeedSmoker*

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I don't understand this thread at all. First, I'm promised a poll on the topic of the most infamous person on JK2.net. Then I open it up, and find there is only one choice available. And to make matters worse, that choice is the name of the person who started the thread.


Could somebody explain this to me?

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