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Your Favorite Features In JK2


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i would have to say the saber battles, i know there not new, but god it's cool. I watched the E3 video of it, and the saber battles look so dang real...

But on the new features i would have to say saber throwing..


so whats yours..

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I can't wait to get down and dirty with the lightsabers.

The PC Gamer trailer really showcased a lot of the moves you can use in a battle. Kyle was dodging left and right, rolling, jumping, all the while having full control of the saber.

3 different fighting styles, with 8 moves for each style?

That's a far cry from JK1.



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The Sabre. And the Force. And the plot. ;)


Although I can't really be certain of any of those until I actually play the game (who could?), those three are the main selling-points for me :)


My least favourite feature would have to be the BatSaber... :rolleyes:


BTW, welcome to the forums Jubei2501 - make yourself at home, and enjoy your stay :)

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Thanks for the welcome. I've been floating around this forum for about a week and that's the first time anyone said hello.

Sorry, it's just a little lonely here with only me, my computer and the PC gamer trailer playing constantly.....


I get the impression that at some point in SP you get "trained" by Luke at the Massassi Temple.....THAT is a feature I'm definately looking forward to...



Oh yeah, welcome to the forum eyesore.

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Originally posted by Jubei2501


Thanks for the welcome.

You're.. err... welcome :D;)


Sorry, it's just a little lonely here with only me, my computer and the PC gamer trailer playing constantly.....

Don't worry - we all do it :D


...don't we? :eyeraise::eek:


Oh yeah, welcome to the forum eyesore.

I've welcomed him in another thread, but what the heck -


Welcome to the forums, eyesore - enjoy your stay ;)

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The thing i look most forward to is the rotating camera during saber battles. 3rd person view is sweet and its always cool to see the same things from different angle. The slow motion during force speed is going to be sweet too.

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Welcome to the forums, eyesore, Jubei2501, Jedi Legend and hahadude. :D Hope you're enjoying your stay. Here... *hands each a chocolate Jedi Medallion* There you go. ;)


Favourite features in JK2? Whoa...well, from what I've read and seen...there are probably too many to list. I think the saber battles are going to get pretty intense this time around, and I'm looking forward to using a bit of stealth. Can't wait to see the buddy AI in action, either, and trying out some of the new weapons. Most of all, I'm looking forward to the story, and exploring every level... ;)

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Let's see:



*So many lightsaber fighting techniques that you'd need to take a class to master them

*The "real" Lando

*Good ol' blue lightsabers


*Finally seeing what the Jedi Academy on Yavin 4 looks like (before the Yuuzhan Vong destroyed it)

*the new, improved Jedi Mind-Trick

*Force-Pushing and Pulling your opponents around

*Our first glimpse at what the heck a Swamptrooper looks like


and finally...


*Lightsabers that scorch whatever they touch, so if you want to stick to the lightside, don't go running around crowded marketplaces with the saber lit.


"Ouch, that stings!"


"Ow, the burning!"

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Sabre throw is what I'm looking forward to most. I just can't wait to throw my sabre into a crowd a take half them out on the way through and the other half on the way back. Oh and the Jedi academy (sp) that will be awsome.


There are many features I'm looking forward to but the sabre is my most anticipated (sp). I just hope the SabreBAT is tamed down as that would spoil the game for me somewhat. I like my games to be realistic to the theme it's based on.

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YEs, I agree with HAHAdude ,a rotating camera during the battles must be an option for the gameplay . It will let you see the fights with a lot of 3rd person perspective views, it will let you appreciate more the movements of kyle and the reaction of his opponents , it must be essential to enjoy the battles so you can feel you are in the movie... imagine you can see kyle passing by the camera very close doing some acrobatics fightings (just like quigon fights darth Maul making him to back off before the red energy doors close)....Wouldn t it be cool?

Any one knows if the designers have included this camera option (similar to the camera options or multiple points of view that were used in Shadows of the Empire)?

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I love the duels. And that nobody can defeat a Jedi/Sith without a lightsaber. In JK, some guys got out the missile launcher when they saw you coming with the saber, but now those ''smart'' guys can no longer be smart, cause of the force push. You are all powerful when facing a ''Bounty Hunter''.

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Welcome Ihatetheblind and Miss_Stalker. This is the first post I've seen from either of you. Then again, that's probably because it was on top when I logged on tonight, and I'm not at my computer as much as I'd like.


I'm REALLY looking forward to movie-style fighting. Add all the good stuff up: saber-locking, Force-enhanced aerobatics, gripping (I know people gripe about Grip in MP, but it's just FUN if you do it at the right time in SP...).


Oh, and bots. Don't forget the bots. They'll come in handy until I can get away from 56k...


I might as well point out the nifty avatar I uploaded :D

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