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force rage discussion


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note: yes i know theres another topic but its drifted in a different direction(its role in the movies) and i'm after discussing force rage in JO.


I have a few questions I'd be interested in answers to or speculation on:


1) Fire 33% faster; move 2x faster; decrease damage taken by 50%; can't die. Is this the equvilant of a super shield with a extremely weak period after it wears off??


2) Do you think use of Force Rage will prohibit use of other force powers during it's use? This could be interesting as it would permit lighties to activate mind tricks, retreat to safety, and pick off the Force Rage user after/during his rage. You could get others gripping the Force Rage guy lifting him up and throwing him into walls, etc. until hes finished raging. Or will we see players simply trying to avoid the guy until he's reduced to a extremely weakened post-rage state?


Speculation and/or answers would be welcome :)

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Also, how will force speed work while raging? Is it possible to use the two at the same time? Will the "x2" add twice the normal movement or will it multiply the 1.75 x normal movement you get with 3 stars on speed?


Can speed be used to get rid of that 75% reduced speed penalty?


That "cant die" thing doesn't sit to well with me.

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decrease damage taken by 50%; can't die


That probably means that while they cant actually die during a rage, their life will still go down to 1 at half the rate. Also, concerning the "fire 33% faster", I believe that this includes the saber, and force speed doesnt affect fire speed at all.


Regarding speed + rage, I don't think it will be possible. From the trailers, we have seen that force mana does not increase while a force power is being used. Rage will probably drain all your mana (and if it doesn't, it should) meaning you cant use speed at the same time. You probably could use speed to compensate aterwards, but considering that speed only lasts 5 seconds, it wont do much good.

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I take the meaning im JO in that in saber combat your swings will become faster and inflict more power, thats all i got. I didn't think they would give force speed in it, but just increase the speed of his saber attacks.


I guess this will be for the duels that you will need the rage

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Look at what happened to Lukie in Return of the Jedi . Palpatine gets him all crazy, he beats up Vader, and hits the razor's edge of the Dark Side.:vadar: Even though Kile is not a true Jedi and doesn't want to go down that path, Force Rage seems like an easy way to get you to fall to the Dark Side in single player.:sithm:

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the force power turned off come on guys thats like whining about awp in CS its part of the game if you dont like it dont play the game heres my thoughts about force rage it could have several scenarios


1. its like death sight in jk1 an elite dark force power which means no neutral forces therefore really ruling it out except as a defensive use in ctf where you could camp your flag


2. it takes a lot of mana/force therefore making you double weak after it runs out especially if you cant pick up force or health(??? anybody know??) through boosts while using it not that i know thats true im just going by what somebody said above the same would also to apply to team energize or else your team would have constant full force




3. no use of force powers while using dark rage therefore pretty much ruling it out in ff sabers though this assumption is based on that jk2 ff sabers will be based somewhat on jk1 ff sabers i.e. the saber is your secondary force of attack always


either way this pretty much has a gunner written all over it in my opinion as a force power especially in ctf where you could cut that on make a flag run and get the hell out of there unless it has restriction one then you could camp the flag blasting oncomers apart with your faster fire rate also usefule in tdm if youre the last guy standing

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It's certainly in character for darksiders and is in both the movies and the EU books. As for game balance it probably has limited use in sabre fights (if it draina all your force it will be easy for other players to either avoid you by force jumping out of there or to restrain you with push and/or grip) but in gun battles could be really useful (especially in one-on-one).


I completely agree with Sykotic about it's CTF uses, can't die and speed boost through the enemy base anyone?

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Well Wretched got some points there and i agree on all of them, and i'm sure that there is something that cancel's it out, but the can't die thing disturbs me, cus you could get some really lame situation's, like Torement said.


But there are probaply peeps that think away around that.

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One thing people don't realise is this; the force rage the original poster was referring to is number FOUR force rage. There are only 3 levels of power for each of the force powers with the exeption of force rage.


The first 3 force rages don't have the ability for you to "not die" but the last one makes you invincible untill it wears off...


My opinion on the subject is that this is not really a force power we can use regularly--we can use the first 3 levels of force speed normally, just as every other power, but not the level 4 version.


I think the level 4 Force Rage might replace the super shield, and be a pick up item, actually. Or, it could be a special holocron in the holocron MP mode.


Why do I think this? Well, becuase first of all, that's the only power that has 4 levels, and secondly, and most interesting, is the fact that this is the only power that has more power, but at the same time more disadvantages, then it's lower level counterparts. The first 3 levels of force rage do not have a vunerable state after it wears off, instead, you simply slowly regain health after it wears off. Also, rage level 4 changes the entire dynamics of force rage which is; the ability to have increased power at the cost of decreesed health. While force rage number 4 has increased power AND the ability to be invincible, but at the cost of a weakened state afterwards.


All of the other powers have the highest level of a force power to be more powerful in every regard over the lower level versions, but not force rage.


This all leads me to believe that the force rage you mentioned is not availible for normal use, but instead is a special pick up item replacing the super shield, or a special holocron in the holocron mode. That's not to say that level 1-3 force rage isn't in MP, but that only level 4 isn't.

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Woah, I just read the zone jedi Outcast thing agian, and it only shows 3 levels of force rage, and all of them have the same power....


I could've sworn I saw some review or soemthing mention force rage like this...


Force Rage,

1-Increased damage, increased speed health goes to 1.

2- Increased damage and speed even above level 1, goes to 1 health.

3- same as number 2, except lasts 30 seconds.

4- Dark Rage, a more powerful Rage that has all of the same effects as the first 3, except you are invincible while you use it, and have a moment of weakness afterwards.


Am I the only one that read something like that somewhere??


I suppose that ruins my theory.... Boy, am I confused now, I could've sworn I read that somehwere...

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This was the other thread on force rage it went off track though and into the movies, if you want to get the sense of it go to the first page



Rage it would be good for duels because the example of luke its argueable if he could of been winded afterwards, but rage the way raven has it seems to take a toll on the body, taking health for the boost of strength and speed.


As a jedi you will have to be ready to defend and be at your best when they use it likely cause the saber will be the best to go


So force rage will be good

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