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Who could we talk to about a demo?


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George can sue me all he likes i don't have anything.

Don't you think George has some better things to do, like hurrying up ILM to finish all the effects on AOTC, for example, or writing Episode III; I doubt he oversees the work on games these days. ;) What comes to demo, I take you people are still new here, because we have talked about it so many times and Raven knows very well how badly we would like to try one before game itself comes out. The thing is, one of them sayed that making it now would delay publishing of actual game and after that they are gonna be assigned to other project, so now only LEC knows, are we gonna see it or not.

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Ok, i dont want to go around and ***** all the time here on the forums but come on...


There will be a demo for sure once the full games goes gold. Every AAA title has a demo so i wouldnt think why not JK2. BUt Raven stated many times that there first goal right now is to go goal. Anything else is up to Lucasarts.

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Yes your probebly right Finnson but judging by his previous efforts i don't think George Lucas spends an awful lot of time writing his scripts. George undoubtably doesn't spend his time overseeing game development but theres probely some clause in some contract somewhere that gives him ultimate control over anything with the name star wars or one that sounds vaguely similar to it. Or has the same number of letters. Or uses the same font. The bearded one surely controls us all in some way.

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Well, George has every right to control making SW licensed games, if he WANTS to, but he's very busy man. Writing scripts and making movies is not like dusting crops, boy(I couldn't resist that :D)! He knows what he's doing and if not, he asks for help from guys like Jonathan Hales while writing the script or chooses new fellow like Simon Jeffery to run LucasArts, so he's not totally alone there making decisions, you know? But in a way, you could say that George is behind every door at LucasFilm or LEC, for example, even though not all workers get to see him.

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Errrrmmm, im just making some surreal chit chat, i am aware of the probable reality. I just thought thinking of George Lucas as a big bearded Lucas Arts dictator would be funny. And it gets my number of posts up. I dont want to be Bantha Fodder till i die.

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I dont want to be Bantha Fodder till i die.

I can assure you, when you get used to be here, you will never leave again. This place starts to haunt you, it's like cocaine you have to use to survive the day and soon you will notice that you have something like 1000 posts under your name. Of course it's your business how you made there, either only by replying LOL, ROFL, etc. or mostly lurking around and trying to talk some sense when you voice your oppinion; we really need fresh oppinions here, when subjects are being recycled again and again. BTW, welcome to the community! :D

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Originally posted by Darth Lunatic

Yes. your right. Theres an awful lot of recycling of old topics.


Demo is looking unlikely at this stage. A demo will probably be released after the game.


I think the true reason Raven doesn't want a demo yet is because they dont want to spoil the Saber system. Maybe their using this as profit leverage, maybe not, but that would be a reason I could believe. An all guns and a few force powers would be nice though :)

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Or we could all dressup as asian schoolgirls and sell George some cookies :D

That reminds me of a scene in Loaded Weapon 1, where bearded Tim Curry, dressed as a girl scout is trying to sell some cookies; that isn't too far away when I'm trying to imagine myself selling cookies. ;) I'm sure George(as a good single parent he is) already buys every cookie his own children are selling(at least he has afford to do that), so that they can have more free time and do something more creative, like playing SW games. :D

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Could be Desslock. Maybe they aren't so confident in the saber system. IF they release a demo now and people don't like certain aspects, it could hurt sales for the game.


Remeber when the first Medal Of Honor demo came out, the multiplayer map Stalingrad. That got an awful lot of abuse from the community, people cancelled pre-orders etc...

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First thing,I don't think that George Lucas is involved in the making of JO.IMO,he's only involved in the making or Episodes 1,2,3,4,5 and 6.


Second thing,I'm not sure why they'd release the demo only after the game goes gold,or even is released.This way,they'll be shooting themselves in the leg,because most of the people would play the game,rather than waste their time playing the small demo.


'Nuff said.

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U know what pulls my gumdrop buttons...


Every game, well almost every game your not really bothered about, or wasn't really looking forward to releases a demo a couple of weeks or in some cases months before the official game comes out, but when its a game your begging for, dying for, SCREAMING FOR!!!! it doesn't release a demo until after the game comes out....thats what pulls my gumdrop buttons.


not mentioning any games im gagging for...JKO JKO JKO...sorry it just popped out.

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Just to clear it up im not an imbecile who beleives George Lucas stalks the Raven offices controling them like puppets. Its just a funny image and how i like to think of George. Anyway thanks for the welcome, do i get a medallion? I'd really like to start a Mr T style collection of (chocolate) jewellery with it. The demo topic has been done to death and i suppose i should moan about that fact but to be honest whenever i see a demo thread, even though it tells me nothing, i always read it :) Maybe i am an imbeceil after all but at least im busy.

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