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Saber Accuracy


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Although the fact that you can't cut someone in half is not accurate, the lack of blood is. Except for the cantina scene in Ep 4, there is no blood in lightsaber scenes. According to most things I've read, a saber instantly cauterizes wounds, preventing blood loss.

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As for Saber accuracy, I am wondering how well the game will allow you to target hits compared to a blaster. My assumption - and assessment of the various reviews / previews / trailers / screenshots / etc - is that it will be quite good. Target an arm and do an overhead swing, the arm goes bye-bye. Target center and do a cross-swing ... two stormies for the price of one. Should be nice ...

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uhm, welcome to the JK2.net forums Jedi_Overlord...?


Heh, that would be nice start guys...


Saber attacks in jk2 will be accurate to a degree, you wouldn't be able to preform acurate and presicion cutting as a surgeon but as I said to a 'degree'. Like hands, limbs and boddy masses.


Have fun on the boards ;) Keep your hands and feet inside the carrage at all times.


Cheers :D

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Raven's Heretic 2 allowed for precise targeting of legs, arms and head (and their removal).


I'll bet that taking off an opponents saber arm will be a valid dueling strategy in JK2. What makes this even better is the ability to change body attitude - torso up or down (targeting crosshairs) allowing you to strike high or low without crouching or jumping. Face down, targeting the knee and WacK! off goes the leg. It usually took two or more hits. I think the only other melee game that did this was Die by the Sword...


I suspect Raven has this covered. Nothing worse than an opponent standing on a crate wacking at your head and you can't look up to strike him...chough... <Rune> cough.. it is very funny to watch people hopping up and down like a po go stick while swinging a huge ax.


hmm err cough.... Go Gold! cough...

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Yeah! Heretic II kicksass in gameplay.

You can change the 3rd person camera option so it doesnt stay behind the back of your player, it focus the movements of your player passing by the camera, and you have a great feeling, its like being in a movie.

If this mode has been included in Jedi outcast, then we gonna enjoy the lightsaber battles in a movie style....A LLOOT!!!

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Mmmm, Heretic II multiplayer was some of the best fun I've had in a computer game...very satisfying action.


But on the topic of saber accuracy, I wonder just how accurate the collision detection of the sabers is going to be. In JK, it was more a matter of luck than anything if your saber actually 'clashed' with that of your opponent. Of course, this also had something to do with JK's netcode, but hopefully in JO you'll be able to actively try and hit or deflect your enemy's saber.


In the GD chat, Raven said that lag would affect the saber in the same way as the other weapons... Just a tad vague, but hey, no surprises there...

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Originally posted by MrCrusher

Nothing worse than an opponent standing on a crate wacking at your head and you can't look up to strike him...chough... <Rune> cough.. it is very funny to watch people hopping up and down like a po go stick while swinging a huge ax.


lol, you just pointed out the best part of the game (Rune) there, exept kickin someones arse with his own decapitated arm or someones head.


If the Saber butt kickin is as good as it looks I think many from the runecommunity defenitly gonna come bunnyjumping in JK2...or atleast try it :D

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Are we even certain that we'll be able to dismember in MP. SP is now a given, but if Mike is unsure if there's knockback in MP or not, could that mean he's unsure about dismemberment too? I hope so. Especially if the dismemberment is not limited to the kill shot. That could make for some strategic attacks. I suppose it would rather suck though to get your leg whacked off in a duel and have to hop/crawl around. So I wonder how they'll deal with that. I really hope it's in MP, because there are few things more satisfying than dismembering your friend with a lightsaber. They also say that there's "a slew of attack and defense moves" on the official site. What gets me about that, is that if there are defense "moves" does that mean we'll actually have some strategic control over parrying lightsaber blows? Either way, the collision detection will probably make it possible to knock lightsabers aside by hitting it with a swing from yours. The lag should only effect your swing rate, probably a split-second delay before you swing if you have bad lag.

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