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Kyle's saber color keeps changing

Kievan Mereel

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Hey, how come kyle's saber keeps changing? Can't he keep the same saber for over a few months? In Jedi Knight he had a green and a yellow saber, in Outcast he has a blue one, and in Mysteries of the Sith he's got an orange one!


Personally, I hope LucasArts has a good story behind all these changes...

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The changes are all years apart though. Plus Kyle gave up his lightsaber after MOTS so he's got to get a new one in Jedi Outcast.

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He must be getting a new one, since it appears to be blue now.


Originally the story described him "getting it back" from Luke (whom he gave it to for safe keeping) which would indicate they meant his orange saber (the one he used in MotS).


Something must happen to make him wish to build another one...


Personally though I'm rather sick of blue sabers, oh well!


Update: Perhaps he gave up the orange one from MotS because he almost used it for evil...?

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Yeah, I thought I read he entrusted his lightsaber to Luke...so why doesn't he just go back and get it from him since he is in touch with him. Whatever, I like the blue lightsaber way better then that orange one. The sources of it going gold tomorrow better be right ^_^ (Coligeon crosses fingers).

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Actually the green saber was for the alternate story that doesn't continue to mots. Videos showed it yellow but it was always orange.


Who knows maybe he got it back and he reconstructed it with new crystal(s). Ir maybe he looses it very early in the game, and has to make the new blue one.


JUST be happy the sabers llook like real sabers now instead of glowing sticks.

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Actually, it's explained in the following cutscene:




LUKE SKYWALKER and KYLE KATARN are talking in front of a long table of Jedi effects. In the background can be seen various machines and trainees practicing their skills.


Luke: So I see... you wish to take on the mantel of the Jedi again?


Kyle: I'm afraid I have no choice, I know what I have to do.


Luke: Very well, I kept your lightsaber safe all these years.

Yup, got it right he---- DAMN!


*it slips through his fingers, clattering down the stone steps*


Luke: Don't worry, I'll just.....


*it rolls into the street and is run over by several large vehicles*


Kyle: .....


Luke: Umm... sorry?


However, if you compare the colors in the "light side" path of JK and MotS, you'll see that they ARE different colors (gold - Yun's saber, vs. orange - Kyle's saber he presumably constructed in those 5+ years between games).

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Hmm... another theory could be



Kyle: Luke, I'm here to get my saber.

Luke: ah.. sorry Kyle, since you said you never were going to use it again I gave it to one of my apprentices for training purposes, and during saber throw practice one of my other apprentices cut up the hilt instead of blocking the blade.... sorry.

Kyle: aw just great... now I'll have to go and make a new... speaking of which, got some parts to spare Luke?


Anywho... it'll probably get explained indeed... and hope it's a good reason why he switches to a blue bladed one.


(or perhaps instead of "entrusting" his saber to Luke , Kyle could have asked him to destroy the saber so he wouldn't ever get to use it again.. who knows)

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As you're talking about saber colors, anyone knows how many colors are there oficially approved? Recently George Lucas announced that bad guys got red sabers and good guys use blue and green with exception for purple for Mace Windu.

However there's a new trailer's scene-by scene description on TFN and here's what it says:

Final shot of droids, super battledroids on Geonosis closing in on 14 Jedi who are deflecting laser fire. They all have different colored lightsabers including purple, reddish or pink, green, white, orange, and blue.
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Originally (up until ROJ) it was just supposed to be red and blue. Red for the bad guys, blue for the good guys. Then ROJ comes along and they make Luke's saber green, simply because the blue didn't show up well in the desert. However, there is an old trailer for ROJ that shows Luke with a blue saber.


About the "other" colors: according to the EU, LS color is based on the crystals used to construct the saber itself. For example, in I, Jedi, Corran Horn uses an emerald and a synthetic diamond (Kubaz Xirconia, I believe) to create his dual-phase silver saber. Usually, lightsabers only have one crystal, but dual- and multi-phase sabers use multiple cystals.


As for why Kyle has a blue one, my guess it that it'll be explained. Besides, I've always liked the blue ones the best anyways.

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Well.. then Lucas must have forgotten something.. even if there are only 3 colours of crystals for the lightsabers... but since you can use up to 3 crystals per saber... you can still get alot of colour variations. (like blue & red makes purple etc etc) But anywho I like the EU approach of several coloured sabers.. and also that certain colours aren't restricted to just the light or dark side. (altough everyone seems to think that.. and it's rather fun to walk up to an opponent using a Vader skin and his usual Red saber in JK and then only use light side powers.)

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In the GameDomain chat, this is what was asked.



TDogg: Kyle's saber is now blue instead of the yellow one in JK. Is the new color connected to the story? Is it a mistake or did you just wanna make it that way?


Kenn H: It's connected to the story. All will become clear soon...



So i guess we will find out. There are many theories about why it is different now and some that i have read sound pretty good. But we will find out soon it seems.


I kinda like the blue. Back to the basics, though I would like to have a silver one.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i kno this is an old thread so no1 will read this but wot the hell. ok i Know why the saber is blue, kyle just simply did the wrong jedi trial thing and took sum new recruits saber, the twat, now there is sum poor guy flunked outa jedi school cos he aint got a saber, for shame kyle for shame, neway if u dont like it type sabercolor orange in the console for his old saber or green for his even older saber, or red for a nifty cool saber or purple for mara jades saber, OR yellow for yuns saber OR you could jus have a nice cuppa tea. bye

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i never played mystery of the Sith, but didn't it go:


his dad left him the green one. late in JK one of the sith smashed it with a rock. one of the sith got pissed at jerick or got killed (don't remember which) and became good at the last second and gave kyle his yellow one for the rest of the game.


i have no clue about the orange one in sith because i don't have it,


but i'm guessing his new one is blue because in the first game he never went through traditional jedi training did he? and learning how to construct your own sabre is a part of the training right?

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Originally posted by Rocketman

i never played mystery of the Sith, but didn't it go:


his dad left him the green one. late in JK one of the sith smashed it with a rock. one of the sith got pissed at jerick or got killed (don't remember which) and became good at the last second and gave kyle his yellow one for the rest of the game.


i have no clue about the orange one in sith because i don't have it,


but i'm guessing his new one is blue because in the first game he never went through traditional jedi training did he? and learning how to construct your own sabre is a part of the training right?


Morgan Katarn left Kyle Rahn's green lightsaber, which later got destroyed by Boc. When Sariss was about to kill Kyle, Yun converted to the lightside and stopped her. (He died, and Kyle picked up his yellow saber)


Oh, they weren't Sith, they were Dark Jedi. :)

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