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Back in time?

L'Equa Sinar

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I was just thinking, maybe there will be some kind of option, just to expand the gameplay, so that you can go back in time, not to alter the current game, but just to have more fun, i'm prob not making sense...i'll try again...


In baldurs gate, you could start a game, play for hours, make a guy totally beefed up and ready to kick the ass of major enemies... but you could also start a newgame and import him as your character...


So what i am thinking is maybe we can pay throught to like level 15...then start a new game with the guy on lvl 15 so we can use force on 1st lvl enemies?


Maybe i am just rambling!!

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Yes, I remember things like that too ... but they are un-balancing, and unintended. You are meant to learn your lessons and powers at a certain pace to work within the storyline. You can (likely) pull up the cheats and give yourself infinite force powers and the saber from level 1, and I'm sure that some will do that. I'd rather see how things were meant to unfold, and let my mediocre skills lengthen the game ...

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