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Getting ready for "Thirst for power - mission 2"


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Good day mateys, the names bond, james bond. I'd like to join yer on yer sith quests or somethin. Im from texas you see.....naaa kidding



Id like to join. please. This time i'd like my name to be "Flint"


ooooooooh and flint is a nice guy, reallllllly nice guy, sorta like krkode ;)

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currently we have...well 1½...Jedi Knight shows enthusiasim but I don't think he comes enough to keep up so its up to you...and Qwi ought to stay around here once she sees that the game is about to start...


Well it looks like its time for me to do my part post/pm/im me about what you want


I'll post how many Skill Points each one of you gets in a few seconds...

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Moronii:10 skill points (3 or 4 skills)

Salculd:7 skill points (2 or 3 skills)

Hao Jun:10 Skill points(3 or 4 skills)


mine's already done....


I'd hate to find the site again but o well...


Here are the Skills


Appraise[iNT]: You can determine the value of an item.


Astrogate[iNT]: Trained only. Use this skill to plot a course through hyperspace.


Bluff[CHA]: You are good at tricking people into believing in what you want them to believe.


Climb[sTR]: Armor Penalty Check. You can climb stuff.


Computer Use[iNT]: Use this skill to operate a computer or write and/or modify computer programs.


Craft[iNT]: You get to pick a Craft. It can be anything. From Sculpture to Droid repair. You are also able to earn credits by practicing your given craft.


Diplomacy[CHA]: You are able to negotiate effectively and influence others.


Disable Device[iNT]: Trained Only. Use this skill to disarm traps are brake security locks or Booby-trap a mechanical device.


Disguise[CHA]: Use this skill to change your appearance or someone elses.


Entertain[CHA]: You are skilled in some type of artistic expression and know how to put on a show.

You get to pick a type of entertainment you provide (like chant, comedy, mime, drums...etc.).


Escape Artist[DEX]: Use this skill to slip binders off or fight through tight spaces.


Forgery[iNT]: You are able to make forged electronic documents (Such as a Starships transponder code) you can also detect others forgerys


Gather Information[CHA]: Use this skill to make contacts in an area, fiund out local gossip, spread rumors.Stuff like that


Handle Animal[CHA]: Trained only. You can train an animal to do stuff.


Hide[DEX]: Armor Penalty Check. You can hide well.


Intimidate[CHA]: You are good at intimidating people. Either through verabal threats or body language.


Knowledge[iNT]: Trained Only. You are knowledgable about something. Be it a person, place or thing.


Listen[WIS]: Use this skill to hear appraoching enemies or listen in on a conversation.


Move Silently[DEX]: Armor Check Penalty. You are good at sneaking up behind people, or sneaking away from them.


Pilot[DEX]: Use this to operate a vehicle whether it be in land, sea, air, or space.


Profession[WIS]: Trained only. You can pick an occupation, and make money doing it.


Read/Write Language[none]: Trained only. You can read and write a language of your choosing.


Repair[iNT]: Trained only. You can repair damaged machinery or electronic devices.


Ride[DEX]: You can ride something. When you choose this skill pick a type of mount to ride.


Search[iNT]: You can scour an area to find something.


Sense Motive[WIS]: Use this skill when you think someone is bluffing you.


Sleight of Hand[DEX]: Trained only. Armor Check penalty. You are able to pick pockets or do fancy tricks with your hands.


Speak Language[none]: Trained only. You can speak a language. Pick a language you will be able to speak.


Spot[WIS]: Use this skill to spot and ambush or a creature lurking in the dark.


Survival[WIS]: Use this skill to hunt wild game, guide a party through natural hazards and the like. You are also able to find shelter and food in the wild.


Swim[sTR]: You can swim.


Treat Injury[Wis]: Use this to help others recover from wounds.


Tumble[DEX] Trained only. Armor Penalty Check. You can dive, roll, flip and such. You also know how to fall and take less damage.


don't worry about the Trained only stuff and again choose wisely...

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this just in!!!


if you ever need to find a list of skills again, go no farther then my webpage!!!


I have final been updateing the swrpg page and a list of skills was the first thing added!!!


you can also check out a few other cool things I have up, and more cool things are to come... like an arcive of past online rpgs (any one have a Thist for Power?)

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